Chapter 9: Your Sword

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A/N: So these next two chapters are a lot of talking and meetings, convincing people to join you and character development, so i do apologize if anyone finds them boring.

Anyway, i do hope you enjoy:)

The surroundings plunged into an impenetrable darkness, an abyss that seemed to swallow every hint of light. In this profound obscurity, no sight, sound, or trace of the environment reached your senses.

It was as though you were submerged in a void of utter nothingness. But the void lasted only for a fleeting moment. Abruptly, the darkness shifted into something else. Something familiar... something excruciating.

A gift, people used to call it... an eidetic memory, because of it every visual encounter etched itself permanently into your mind. They weren't wrong, it was an extraordinary gift, yet one that wielded a double-edged sword in every conceivable way.

No matter how fervently you wished to expunge something from your memory, it stubbornly clung, indelibly imprinted on your mind like a parasite.

Y/N: (I remember it so vividly... like it was just yesterday. I was fourteen years old. It was a sunny day, yet kind of cold. Cold enough that I needed to wear a sweater over my uniform.)

You adjusted the straps on your backpack while stoically staring at the sliding door before you. The smooth tiled floors beneath your feet reflected the sun's rays streaming through the large windows along the hallways.

Y/N: (I had already earned my high school diploma at eleven being homeschooled and graduated from M.I.T. a few years later by taking all my classes online... but even after all that time, I never made a single friend. I mean, how could I, it's not like I ever went to school directly.)

Your shoes squeaked along the polished floors as you walked slowly toward the sliding door, opening it to take your first step into a classroom.

Y/N: (My parents thought it would be good for me to spend time with people my own age before getting a job. I found it tedious but followed their advice and went to high school... it was annoying, and easy...)

You approached the older man standing in front of a large chalkboard, then turned to face around twenty curious kids your age.

Y/N: (But I did learn one thing from going to school...)

The kids in front of you gradually disappeared, one by one, until even the teacher beside you vanished leaving you staring into an empty classroom.

Y/N: (Even surrounded by people... I was all alone...)

The world around you shifted, placing you back at the front of the class as the teacher handed you a sheet of paper with a large smile.

Teacher: Amazing work, as always, Y/N... another perfect score.

You took the sheet and stoically looked down at it.

The teacher turned to the class with a serious expression.

Teacher: You should all take a page out of Y/N's book and learn to study.

Clicking tongues echoed behind you as you turned around and walked back to your seat.

Kid1: Can't he take a hint...

Kid2: Read the room already... show-off.

Kid3: Teacher's pet...

Kid4: Nerd...

Kid5: Loser...

You slowly sat back into your chair, quickly stashing your test away in your bag. As you looked back towards the board, multiple pairs of red eyes stared at you in contempt, making you feel even more uncomfortable.

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