Chapter 13: Rumors

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A/N: Alright, this is the last one for a little bit, the first chapter showing the parties break from floor clearing. How will the other players react i wonder... who knows.

Anyway, lots of character development in here so enjoy.

After the exhausting climb to the 40th floor which lasted an entire month, you and your party returned home, collapsing into much-needed sleep. The fatigue weighed heavily and hit all of you at once, pulling you all into a deep slumber that lasted for 24 hours.

Then, as the sun slowly filtered through the window, its warmth gently stirring you from your rest, you fluttered your eyes open. Blinking against the sudden brightness, you squinted, adjusting to the light that you hadn't seen in what felt like an eternity.

With a groan, you reach up, rubbing your eyes and placing your hand on your head, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Turning in your bed, you found Yoimiya sleeping softly next to you, her serene expression bringing a sense of comfort that never failed to uplift your spirits.

A faint smile crept onto your lips as you gently withdrew your hand from your head, bringing it down to her and running it through Yoimiya's hair softly. She responded with a bright smile, snuggling deeper into your leg, which she was now using as a pillow.

Chuckling softly, you turned towards the window, noting the presence of sunlight instead of the customary moon you were used to, indicating that your internal clock had faltered—or, more accurately, that you had turned it off.

Y/N: Those players who used to gather outside the dungeons, waiting for us, will surely have noticed our absence last night.

Turning back to Yoimiya, you gently disentangled her arms from around your leg, eliciting a sleepy groan from her as her smile faded.

Slowly rising from bed, you made your way to the window.

Y/N: We need to start spreading that rumor... as with any rumor, the sooner the better, regardless of our popularity, it will take time to spread throughout the player base.

You contemplated, raising a finger to your chin, as Yoimiya stirred in bed, her eyelids fluttering open with weariness. Upon realizing your absence beside her, she scanned the room until her gaze settled on you by the window, a soft smile gracing her lips.

Y/N: Later, I'll send Yoimiya into town. She's the most... loquacious among us...

Yoimiya: Mouuu...

A sudden voice startled you, prompting a turn to find Yoimiya kneeling on the bed, her cheeks adorably puffed out in a pout.

Yoimiya: What is that supposed to mean... I mean seriously what does that mean?

You chuckled lightly.

Y/N: Sorry, I was just talking to myself, it just means you are the most talkative.

Her pout slowly disappeared as her head tilted ever so slightly before chuckling.

Yoimiya: Most talkative... Well, I can't really deny that, can I?

Her giggle filled the room as she scratched her cheek, and you approached with a smile, leaning in until your faces were inches apart.

Y/N: Good morning. Forgive me if I woke you up.

Another giggle escaped Yoimiya before she shook her head gently.

Yoimiya: Mhm... it's okay.

You chuckled, leaning over for a brief, affectionate kiss, which she eagerly returned before you both parted, and you reached for your menu.

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