Chapter 11: Full Party

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A/N: Alright, back from the dead with another batch of three chapters for you guys. The pacing of these chapters may seem a little slow, only because i was trying to prioritize relationship and character development between the party. 

Anyway, i hope you all enjoy another boss fight, this time with a full party.

The moon hung high overhead, casting its ethereal glow upon your party as you traversed the quaint town of the 22nd floor in silence.

Yoimiya's cheerful laughter echoed through the night as she clung to your arm, her head nestled against your shoulder. Meanwhile, Shenhe's gaze bore into you both, her simmering anger palpable for reasons unknown to her.

As you departed the town and made your way towards the dungeon entrance, conversation finally began stirring among your companions.

Eula: You've chosen quite the peculiar name for your avatar... Clorinde... I've never heard anything like it.

Clorinde's expression remained stoic as she turned towards Eula, but before she could respond, Ganyu interjected with a gentle rebuke.

Ganyu: Eula, that's not very kind.

Eula huffed quietly before turning her attention away from Clorinde and back on the road.

Eula: I was merely curious.

Yoimiya, hearing the conversation, giggled quietly before turning her head towards Eula while still clinging to your arm.

Yoimiya: I thought she might be a chemist or something like that at first.

Clorinde sighed inwardly before speaking, her tone dry as bones.

Clorinde: For the last time, my name has no connection to chlorine...

Yoimiya giggled once more before nodding apologetically, while scratching the back of her head.

Yoimiya: Yeah I know, sorry. Y/N told me the story last night.

Clorinde raised an eyebrow in curiosity as she cast her gaze towards you, as did the rest of your party. After a moment's pause, you spoke up with a slight groan.

Y/N: Statistically, there are likely several people with names relating to periodic elements. My guess, however, is that Clorinde named her avatar after one of the five French Navy vessels from the 1800s, which share her name, Clorinde, which in turn were named after Clorinda, a character from the 1581 poem 'Jerusalem Delivered' by Torquato Tasso. Also, there is a possibility that she could have been named after the Saracen Princess, Clorinde, in the 1702 French opera, 'Tancrède.' Which, coincidentally, was also based on 'Jerusalem Delivered.'

Your companions stared at you in astonishment, Jingliu included, though after your earlier discourse on Eula's body proportions, and the new knowledge of your vast memory capacity, their surprise was less pronounced than it would have been.

Clorinde allowed a small smile to creep onto her face as she confirmed your deduction.

Clorinde: Impressive. You're correct. My mother named me after the 1845 Clorinde, a ship her ancestors once sailed on.

Yoimiya chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head.

Yoimiya: I know I shouldn't be surprised anymore, but you still never cease to amaze.

She giggled softly, leaning against your arm, her cheek nuzzling into your shoulder, causing Shenhe's fists to tighten; yet she held her peace. It was Eula who eventually intervened.

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