Chapter 22: Where You Belong

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A/N: Alright, this is the last one for a bit, i gotta grind Elden Ring before the DLC comes out, sorry :)

Anyway this is by far my longest chapter, well over 15,000 words so yeah it may take a bit to read but i wanted to get as much done as i possibly could before we finish SAO with the next batch.


After the chaos that had unfolded that morning, noon finally passed, and the digital sun above the 22nd floor of Aincrad hung high, casting its rays into the large cabin mansion nestled just outside of town by a beautiful lake.

Inside the house, four women sat around on the many couches scattered across the living room.

Three of them still bore a light hue of pink on their cheeks, their fingers gently touching the tops of their heads as if they had received some divine gift.

The last girl, Ganyu, scanned each of them, her fingers fiddling sadly in her lap. She too reached up and touched her head, a small pang of jealousy shooting through her heart.

But as the front door of the house opened, all four women reacted in unison. They immediately pulled their hands away from their heads, sat up straight, and looked toward the door.

As soon as they saw you enter the living room, their faces slowly lit up, though some did a better job of hiding it than others.

Shenhe, Clorinde, and Eula all struggled to contain their smiles, their lips twitching with the effort, while Ganyu's smile lit up the entire room.

Then Yoimiya walked in a couple of steps behind you. The first thing they noticed was that she seemed back to her normal self. The sunken eyes from that morning were gone, replaced by a bright and optimistic smile, just as they remembered.

Their eyes followed you as you made your way over to the couch where Ganyu was sitting, causing her to tilt her head up at you in slight surprise.

Y/N: You don't mind, right?

Ganyu: U-Ummm, n-no.

You smiled at her, causing her to flinch and nervously push herself as far back into the couch as she could.

Y/N: Great... I'll just pop a squat then...

You dropped yourself onto the couch next to Ganyu, making her flinch as her eyes widened and her face slowly started to heat up.

Yoimiya giggled and sat down next to you. As soon as she did, she leaned her head onto your shoulder, and you responded by wrapping your arm around her.

On the other side of the room, the girls exchanged glances before Eula spoke quietly.

Eula: Did he just say, 'pop a squat'?

Clorinde nodded slowly as she continued to look at you, their words too quiet for you to hear on the other side of the room.

Clorinde: Yes, I do believe that is what he said.

Eula nodded, while Shenhe pursed her lips in confusion.

Shenhe: How odd...

Their conversation was abruptly cut off when you began speaking, drawing all of their attention to you.

Y/N: Sorry you guys had to see that earlier.

Their expressions suddenly turned serious, and the blushes faded from their cheeks as they realized this was not the time to be lost in their daydreams.

Shenhe: What were the two of you fighting about? From here, it looked rather serious.

You sighed and nodded.

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