Chapter 2: Solo Player

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A/N: Alright, i'm back again. So as per my normal upload method, i have three new chapter and will be uploading them at the same time. That is normally how i upload and i enjoy doing it that way, so that's how it's going to be.

You will notice pretty much right away that i'm taking this is a slightly different direction than the original way i wrote this story. I lot more fighting.

One last thing that i'll say is that i know the Hoyoverse fandom can be very... excitable about their opinions. Just know that i will not allow this story to destroy my mental state. I will write this story all the way to the end regardless of if people get mad that their favourite characters aren't in it, or if some of the characters act a bit OOC.

Anyway, please enjoy :)

Bathed in the digital glow of the moon, the massive pillar located in the center of the first floor of Aincrad casted one single elongated shadow over half the floor.

In the quiet of the night, there was hardly a single player walking the streets, most players choosing to succumb to sleep.

Yet, one player remained wide awake.

Within the depths of the dungeon on the first floor, the echoes of heavy breathing resonated if one listened closely. Accompanying it were the sounds of metal clashing, igniting sparks that illuminated the narrow hallways.

A monstrous figure, comparable in size to a small adult, wielded a mace with a menacing grip. Its face hidden beneath a large helmet, only its small, red, scaly body was discernible. Emitting a harrowing noise, spit flew from the crevices in its helmet. Whether it was a roar, scream, or some other form of communication, the creature's intimidating cry subsided, and it charged toward you, its hefty mace drawn back behind its head.

Your eyes swiftly assessed every detail of its form, recognizing the wind-up almost instantly. Unmoved, you stood still, allowing the monstrous creature to swing its massive mace vertically downward at you.

At the last possible second, you took a deliberate step to the side, permitting the strike to sail past and collide with the cobblestone ground. The impact destroyed the surface, sending small stone fragments scattering in all directions.

Y/N: Five seconds until its attack is off cooldown...

You tightened your grip on the sword's hilt in your hand, causing the blade to hum to life, casting a red glow amid the dungeon's dark hallways.

Shifting your foot back, you positioned the sword perpendicular to your chest, aiming directly at the monster's back.

With explosive force, you pushed off the ground, causing the cobblestone beneath you to implode, sending stone shards flying backward.

In an instant, you materialized in front of the monster, thrusting your sword toward its back just as it began to turn around. The sword's tip penetrated the creature's midsection, causing it to release a howl of pain.

You let out a sigh as you turned around. Your hand remained on the embedded sword as you swung it upwards over your head, cleaving the monster in half from the initial stab up and out the center of its head.

Without looking back, you sheathed your sword on your back and strolled away, the sound of the monster shattering into fragments resonating through the halls as your EXP bar ascended by a solitary point.

With a swipe of your hand through the air, a map materialized at your side. Touching the top section, you dragged the window in front of your face.

Y/N: It took me almost a full week to map this place... I suppose I was naïve to believe he wouldn't change the dungeon layouts.

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