Chapter 17: Heathcliff

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A/N: Alright, i'm back with three more chapters, lots of timeskips in these chapters and all three take place at a different point in time so make sure not to skip the beginnings of the chapter at least so that you know how much time has passed.

Also, not sure if i ever mentions it but text that's in brackets ex. Y/N: (Hello World!) is in their head, they are thinking it.

Anyway, please enjoy :)

As dawn's first light tiptoed across the horizon in Aincrad, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, Clorinde lay serenely on the floor of her room, with a smile on her face, cocooned in the tranquility of sleep. The gentle rays of the awakening sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room.

In the tender embrace of morning, Clorinde stirred, her movements slow and unhurried as consciousness seeped back into her being. With a delicate grace, she blinked her eyes open slowly.

Still half asleep, Clorinde pushed herself wearily off the floor, a quiet groan escaping her lips. With a tender touch, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

Clorinde: Ughh...

Using the little strength she possessed so early in the morning, she propped herself against the walls of her room, the world appearing blurry as she felt mentally drained for reasons unbeknownst to her.

Clorinde: Did I... sleep on the floor?

Another groan escaped her lips as she lifted her hand to cradle her aching head.

Clorinde: Why...

Questioning herself about why she would sleep on the floor, suddenly memories flooded her mind like a rushing train, causing her eyes to snap open wide.

Recollections of the previous night and her conversation with you replayed like a film, jolting her awake and banishing all drowsiness in an instant.

Her heart pounded in her chest, so loudly that it echoed in her ears, and her cheeks flushed with heat as she instinctively cupped her face in her hands to feel it.

Clorinde: What... What's happening?

In a slight panic, she removed her hands from her face and leaned against the wall for support as she slowly rose to her feet, her heart rate continuing to rise.

Clorinde: Why did he say that to me... what was he trying to do...?

She stumbled over to the lone chair in the room, tucked neatly under a wardrobe with a mirror attached at its center.

Yanking the chair out roughly, she plopped down onto it with a harsh thud.

Slowly lifting her head, her eyes widened in astonishment as she gazed at her reflection. Her face was flushed red, the remnants of tear stains still visible on her cheeks from the night before.

The relentless thumping of her own heart reverberated through her ears as she gritted her teeth and averted her gaze from her own reflection.

Clorinde: No... this can't be real... I can't...

Without shifting her head, she reluctantly returned her gaze to the mirror, her face flushing even deeper as she groaned and dropped her head onto the desk.

Clorinde: I can't believe this... why him.

Resting her chin on the wardrobe, her reflection stared back at her.

Clorinde: Of all the men in the world... I had to fall for him. He's cunning, manipulative, cold... but also kind of... caring, understanding, strong... handsome... ughhh!!

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