Chapter 21: Abandoned Pawn

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A/N: Alright, second chapter in the batch, lots of Jingliu this chapter so prepare yourselves for that, and lots of emotion stuff.

Anyway, hope you enjoy :)

Deep within the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon on the 27th floor, Kirito and Jingliu stood spellbound, confronted by a sight so extraordinary that it rendered them speechless. Words failed to capture the essence of what lay before them, leaving them both in silent awe.

Jingliu had never experienced such an overwhelming sense of calm in her life; it was as if she were gazing at an entirely different person. Meanwhile, Kirito coughed a few more times, clutching his stomach, and then slowly pushed himself off the ground, rising unsteadily to his feet.

Once Kirito was on his feet and had steadied himself, he narrowed his eyes at you one final time. Then, without a word, he turned on his heels and began to walk away. However, before he could get very far, something caused him to stop abruptly.

Y/N: Wait...

He halted in his tracks for a brief moment, his body tense, before speaking without turning around.

Kirito: I don't need anymore of your 'advi-'

Y/N: Kirito...

The black-haired boy flinched, his eyes widening at the unexpected softness in your voice. It was entirely unlike the cold tone he had come to associate with you. Instead, it felt warm and comforting, like a blanket gently wrapped around him.

Y/N: Forgive me... you were right, I didn't understand.

Slowly, he turned to face you. Instead of staring at the ceiling, you met his gaze directly. Even your eyes had changed; they no longer held the cold, unfeeling look he was used to. Instead, they were filled with a warmth he had never seen before.

Y/N: You were close to them... weren't you?

Kirito's initial shock began to fade, replaced by a wary narrowing of his eyes. He hadn't forgotten how you had acted just moments earlier.

Kirito: Why would you care?

Y/N: I cannot blame you for your hatred of me. I just realized that... if what happened to you happened to me, well...

You closed your eyes briefly, then reopened them, shifting your attention to Jingliu. She looked at you through her blindfold, still bewildered by your sudden change in demeanor.

Y/N: I wouldn't be nearly as calm as you are right now... in fact...

The warmth in your eyes vanished, replaced by a cold, unfeeling gaze. Your fingers twitched, and a palpable bloodlust surged through the dungeon corridors, causing Kirito to flinch as a chilling shiver ran down his spine.

Y/N: I would burn this place to the ground... with me inside.

Kirito quivered momentarily before you reined in your bloodlust, and your eyes softened, returning to the warm gaze from moments before.

Y/N: I'm sorry for my insensitive comment.

As the intensity of your bloodlust faded, Kirito gradually regained his composure, his gaze meeting yours. A heavy silence settled over the corridor, and he looked away, his expression shifting from rage to a mixture of guilt and sadness.

Kirito: It doesn't matter... Taking my anger out on you won't bring them back.

Y/N: No, it won't.

Kirito struggled to comprehend the situation, feeling as if he were conversing with an entirely different person. Your tone, your expression, even your body language had transformed, yet beneath it all, he could still sense a cold and calculating aura.

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