Chapter 10: Memories

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A/N: Alright, last one for a little bit, after this chapter things are going to speed up as we approach the end of the first arc, then i'm hoping for the main antagonist of this story to appear in the next arc, so hopefully you look forward to that. They are pretty intriguing if i do say so myself.

Anyway, please enjoy :)

The noonday sun bathed your new home in its radiant beams, streaming through the numerous large windows that adorned the walls.

Within the living room, a profound stillness prevailed. The silence was so pronounced that the rhythmic thumping of the short girl's heart on the couch across from you became audible.

Observing her fiddling with her fingers and nervously scanning the surroundings, you couldn't help but notice her legs pressing tightly together as her muscles tightened in fear.

Y/N: So, your name was Ganyu, correct?

She flinched at the sudden mention of her name, redirecting her gaze toward you.

Ganyu: Umm... y-yes

Her voice, barely audible, compelled you to lean in closer to catch her words. Even then, you could discern a nervous undertone, though the reason for her unease remained elusive to you.

Shenhe took a seat on the couch beside you, with Yoimiya seated next to her. Meanwhile, both Clorinde and Jingliu stationed themselves behind the couch you occupied, their unwavering gazes fixed on the small girl in front of you.

Sensing the weight of countless stares, Ganyu felt as if the scrutiny came from over a hundred pairs of eyes, even though the actual number was far fewer. She visibly shrank under their collective gaze.

Eula, standing behind the couch Ganyu sat on, narrowed her eyes as she observed you, then shifted her gaze to the two women behind you.

Y/N: It is a pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Shenhe's is certainly a friend of mine.

Her body still quivered with nervousness as you reclined on the couch.

Y/N: I would ask that you stay for lunch, but I think Yoimiya forgot to bring food back. At least, I was told that she went to get food, but she didn't return with any.

Yoimiya: AH!

Startled by the loud scream, Ganyu flinched and shifted her gaze toward Yoimiya, who quickly jumped off the couch, her hands on her head.

Yoimiya: Ughhhh... I totally forgot!!

A groan escaped her lips as she fell back onto the couch and then seized Shenhe's arm.

Yoimiya: Shenhe... you'll come with me to get something, right?

Shenhe: I fail to see why I should have to go with you when you are the one who forgot.

Yoimiya groaned again, releasing Shenhe's arm and flopping to the side of the couch, resting her head on the armrest.

Yoimiya: True... ugh.

Y/N: You cannot grow hungry here. There is very little point in eating to begin with.

Yoimiya narrowed her gaze at you as she slowly sat back up on the couch.

Yoimiya: Just because you don't have to do something doesn't mean that you shouldn't. The food is good, so why not, right?

Yoimiya giggled, prompting a small smile to appear on your face.

Y/N: Hm...

You found it puzzling—why would someone do something if they didn't have to...

Yoimiya: Not everything in the world needs to have a purpose, Y/N. The true magic of fireworks lies in the people you share the experience with.

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