Chapter 4: The Medicuboid

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A/N: Okay this is the last chapter in the batch. I will start on the next three chapter pretty soon so i'm pretty excited. Lots of stuff happening at once so enjoy!

Several days had passed since you had reunited with Yoimiya. After intensive training and numerous battles, you managed to boost her level to a point where she could at least hold her own, though she was still somewhat under-leveled.

The presence of the cloaked PKer you encountered continued to gnaw at you. Since that encounter, there had been no sightings nor talk about him. The lingering uncertainty kept you on edge. Nevertheless, at the moment, your only option was to concentrate on your immediate goal which lay directly in front of you.

You found yourselves standing in front of a massive stone door adorned with intricate patterns. The faint glow of mysterious runes adorned its surface.

Yoimiya: Whoaaa... so cool, so this is a boss door?!

You observed as Yoimiya hurriedly approached the door, meticulously inspecting every nook and cranny before returning to stand next to you, her face reflecting a mix of awe and excitement.

Y/N: Remember what I said. Under no circumstances are you to come anywhere near the boss. Keep a distance and do your best to stun it. I will take care of the rest.

With hands on her hips, Yoimiya nodded enthusiastically.

Yoimiya: Sure thing, but if you're in trouble, then I'm going to make sure you don't die... no matter what. As long as you agree to that, then let's go.

You turned to look at her and despite the bright and wide smile on her face, you could see her hands and legs shaking from fear.

Y/N: Very well...

She nodded, and you both advanced toward the door. Placing your hands on it, you flexed your virtual muscles and gently pushed.

It required only a slight push, and the door started to open by itself, dragging along the ground with the sound of stone scraping together.

Eventually, it opened fully and clicked into place. Yoimiya took a shaky breath, shook her head, and slapped her cheeks to hype herself up.

Yoimiya: Okay... I can do this.

You both walked forward into the boss room slowly. As you entered, it was dark, and neither you nor Yoimiya could see anything. However, as in all the boss rooms before, the moment you ventured deep enough, two torches on either side of the room ignited and lit up.

Yoimiya flinched, her eyes quickly drawn to the torches. Gradually, two at a time, every torch lit up gradually to reveal a massive dojo-looking room, clearly inspired by Japanese culture.

As Yoimiya marveled at the Japanese Dojo with a mix of awe and still a bit of fear on her face, a sudden grunt from next to her pulled her out of her stupor.

Turning her head, she looked over at you. However, when her eyes landed on you they widened almost immediately when she saw you stab yourself through the stomach.

Yoimiya: WHA-!! Hey!! What are you doing... stop that!

She ran over to you in a panic and reached for your arm but hesitated momentarily as her eyes were shaking with fear and confusion. But steeling herself she grabbed your arm and pulled back as hard as she could, doing her best to dislodge the sword from your stomach. Yanking so hard, it felt as if her arms were about to pop out of their sockets.

You grunted in discomfort.

Y/N: It's fine... one second.

Yoimiya: It is most definitely not fine!!

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