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After Amia finishes her soup, I take her bowl and wash it clean. She loves watching me wash dishes for some odd reason.
"I finish castle." Amia says after I finished washing the bowl.

"Really? May I see it?" I ask. Amia didn't hesitate to grab my hand and make me follow her into the bedroom.
When I look at the castle she drew, my smile slowly faded away as I see three stick figures in front of the castle.
"Amia, who are they?" I point to the stick figures as I sit down on the floor to gets closer look. Amia sits down in between my legs and leans back so her head is resting on me.

"This you." She points to the figure that has long hair.
"This me." She points to the small figure.
"This is daddy." She points to the figure that is almost erased. It looks like she drew the figure but was in the middle of erasing it. Now it looks like a shadow.

"Who is daddy sweetheart?" I ask, worried that she knows who it is. She just shrugs her shoulders and gets up to place her hand on the almost erased figure.

"I have one mommy?"

I look away when she looked at me with those eyes.
"Um," I secretly wipe the corner of my eye the best I can without her noticing.
"Yes, you do."


"He's not here sweetheart. I'm sorry."

"Oh." She says in a sad tone. Seconds later, she starts to erase the third figure but I stop her.

"Amia it's okay. You can leave it like that. It's perfect."

"Okay." She smiles and goes back to sitting on my lap. I hug her tight until she complains about not being able to breathe. I just laugh and begin to tickle her which she loves.

All of a sudden, we hear a knock at the door. I usually recognize people's knock pattern but I don't recognize this one.

"Bad person." Amia whispers while getting up and walking out of the bedroom to go towards the front door.

"Amia. Stop. Stay in the bedroom." I rush over to her and make her walk back towards the bedroom again.
"Stay here. Okay? Do not leave unless I say so."

"Okay." She whispers. I close the door but not all the way. Amia is still able to peek through the opening in case there's an emergency and I need her to exit the bedroom. We never know what's going to happen these days.

I walk over to the door and look through the peek hole. I have to see who it is first.

It's Amia's teacher.

So I open the door, wondering why Amia said 'bad person'.
"Uh, hello Mrs. Toll." I greet first.

"Ms. (L/n). So good to see you. I just wanted to see how Amia is doing." She says with a smile.

"Oh, Amia is 'napping' right now. But she's doing good. She told me she learned how to draw a dog."

"Oh. That girl is really talented. One day she could become an artist. But anyway, I just wanted to ask a few questions about her behavior." She says.

"Behavior? Is Amia causing trouble?"

"Well, before explaining, I am wanting to know if she is on any medications?"

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