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The next morning, I wake up early as usual since I'm used to getting Amia ready for school. She needs to be at school by 9 but I always wake her up at 7:50 just so she has time to eat breakfast.

When I fully wake up, I find myself hugging Severus with my leg on top of his leg and my head resting on his chest. I want to oversleep because he is so warm and cozy.
I look behind me and see Amia still sleeping peacefully with her body facing down and her head to the side. I think she was drooling a lot more than usual too. I knew she would like this comfortable bed.

"Severus?" I gently shake his shoulder but he groans and continues sleeping.
"Severus wake up." I smile when he shakes his head no.
"We have to get Amia ready for school."


"Severus." I quietly laugh when he uses his other hand to manually close my eyes. I push his hand away and get myself up. I even swing one leg over so I'm straddling him. That seems to wake him up.

So I lean down to give him a kiss but it lasts one second.
"Time to get up." I whisper against his lips before completely getting off of him. He groans but does what he's told. I let him change first since he's picky.

After he changed I pull him to the bathroom so I can show him what temperature Amia likes her bath to be at.
"Okay she likes her water to be a little cold but warm to the touch."

"Why cold?"

"The cold feeling helps her wake up a little." I keep touching the water to see if it's perfect. Once it is, I tell Severus to touch the water while I go wake up Amia.

"Amia. Time to get ready for school." I say in a gentle voice. Amia slowly lifts herself up with her arms and looks around to see where she is with squinting eyes.
"Bath time. Let's go." I help her pull back the blanket and get off the bed. I hold her hand and walk her towards the bathroom. She walks like a drunk toddler.

"Hi daddy." She says quietly before yawning. Severus picks her up and kisses her cheek, making her smile. I love the way he cares about her.
After setting her down again, Amia turns to me and raises her arms so I can start taking off her clothes.

When Amia gets in the bathtub, she sits down and begins to play with the bubbles around her. I crouch down until I get on my knees so I don't hurt my back.
"Always make sure she has bubbles in her bath. Or else she'll throw a fit. Just a warning." I say with a smile.

"Note taken." He responds.

"And you don't want to use too much shampoo for her hair or else it can drop down into her eyes. I do tell her to close her eyes but you know how children are. They can't help themselves but open them after a few seconds. So I use a little amount." I pour a good amount of shampoo on my hand and rub it together for a few seconds before gently massaging her head.

"You don't want to pull or yank her hair. Just gently massage her scalp from the lining of her hair and down to her neck. Once you reach the neck, just use your fingers for the rest of her hair." I show him how I let my fingers slide through her hair and let the shampoo do the work. He watches carefully but keeps on looking at me instead of the process.

"Now I grab a plastic cup or a plastic container to scoop up some water and wash down the shampoo. I use my hand to cover her eyes since it's a lot better than telling her." I show him what I'm talking about and wash out the shampoo until it's all gone.
"Once you see her hair shiny with no bubbles, then you are done and ready for the body wash."

I look inside the bag and see a small body scrub for kids. It's not rough or soft. It's perfect for her skin. Pomfrey does really know a lot about children.

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