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Amia and I arrive at Hogwarts but I have this headache that won't leave me alone. I'm trying so hard not to think about yesterday too much but I can't help wondering what she means by not remembering anything. I want to figure it out but I can't ruin Amia's birthday. I need to focus on her today.

"You okay mommy?" Amia asks when she sees me slow down.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

"We can do next time." She offers.

"Amia no. Don't say that sweetheart." I crouch down to hug her.
"Today is your day, okay? And we are going to have so much fun. We are going to celebrate this beautiful little girl's birthday because she deserves it. You deserve this day all to yourself, alright?" I kiss her cheek and hug her again.

"Okay mommy." She softly pats my back and gently presses her lips on my cheek. I love it when she does that.

"Okay then. Let's go see your father." I grab her hand and lead her all the way down to the dungeons.
Amia jumps in excitement when we reach Severus's quarters and it makes me happy that she knows which door it is.
"Do you want to knock this time?" I ask Amia. She nods and knocks on the door herself. Her gentle knocks are so cute to hear.

After several knocks, Severus opens the door but didn't expect Amia to run towards him and hug his legs.
When she let go, he carries her in his arms and kisses her cheek.
"Happy birthday little one. I found a part time job for you." Severus says quietly.

Amia giggles and hugs him while resting her head on his shoulder.
"I miss you daddy." Amia whispers.

"I miss you too." He hugs her once more before being put down on the floor. She then runs to the living room since she saw a plate of cookies.

"Hey." I get closer so I can hug him and kiss his cheek.
"Can I put this in the bedroom?" I show him the bag that's holding Amia's present.

"Mm-hm." He lifts up my chin and gives me a small kiss.
I walk past him and go to the bedroom to hide her gift. She will become violently curious sometimes. So I need to close the bedroom door.

After closing the door behind me, I join Amia in the living room where she's looking at the cookies that Severus made. I love his cookies. He used to make some for me years ago. They were so delicious that I asked for the recipe but he refused to give it to me.

"Cookie." Amia holds up a chocolate chip cookie so I can see it.

"Well go on, try it." I pick her up and sat her on my lap when Severus sat next to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my temple.

We watch as Amia takes her first bite of her first cookie to see if she likes it.
"Are they soft?" I barely ask since Amia has her baby teeth.

"Does it look like I want to hurt my child?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. I playfully roll my eyes and wait for her reaction.

"Do you like it Amia?" I pick up the crumbs from her shirt and put them on the table so we don't make a mess on the floor.

"Mm-hm." She finishes the cookie and goes for another one. I help her pick it up since she was unable to reach it. I thought she was going to eat it but she gave it to Severus. He gladly takes it as I help her get another one but this time she gives it to me.

"Why thank you Amia." I kiss her cheek and help her get another one since she was reaching for one more. This time she begins eating it herself. All three of us eat our cookies and enjoy each other's company like one family.

When Amia got done with her cookie, she reached her arms out towards Severus. So he grabs her and sat her on his lap.
"Thank you daddy." She whispers.

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