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⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

A/N: I was drunk when I wrote this chapter btw. I had to read this chapter twice to even believe it was actually me who wrote this. I'm surprised myself. Anyways, enjoy!

Since Severus is in the shower, I decided to join him even if he's almost done. I don't want to wait any longer to apologize for what I said to remind him of the argument we had. Ever since I said those words today, I feel like he avoided me to not start that conversation again. If it was reversed, I would've avoided him too. I definitely wouldn't want to continue that conversation.

With the shower still running, I enter the bathroom and begin taking off my clothes as quietly as possible. Though my balance wasn't good enough when I took off my pants.
After my clothes are off, I pull back the curtain and get inside to be behind him.

Without saying anything, I wrap my arms around him from behind and kiss his shoulder blades a few times before resting my head on him.
Severus let out a deep sigh and relaxes his muscles when he felt my presence.

"I'm sorry Severus. I didn't mean to say that. I just really miss you." I say quietly. Severus doesn't say anything back nor does he turn around.
"I really love you and I can't imagine my life without you again. It's just that, after not being together for years, I forgot how busy you are and I want to apologize for that. I'm really, really sorry."

Severus heavily sighs and turns around in my arms.
"I admit I am busy on most days but I need you to know how much I still love you. I love the child you have given me and I am wanting to spend more time with both of you. But if what I am giving to both of you is not enough, then I can resign." He says with a bit of sadness.

"Severus please don't resign. I know in the beginning you were stressed and under so much pressure but after all these years of being Headmaster, you finally have the experience that you need. I don't want to make you lose that experience. Students love having you as their Headmaster. No one else will be like you. No one else will allow these students to feel free within these walls. You make that happen and I hate for our little girl to be under some very strict rules if you resign. Please don't let that happen."

"If I continue with this position, then I will eventually not have enough time to be with you or our daughter."

"Severus we will figure something out like we always do. We will think of something together, okay? I know you said you are able to take care of Amia once I get the job but if you think you can't, then I will reject the offer. Just please don't feel bad if you don't have enough time for us. I don't care if your hours are the same as before. We still see you everyday and we will always stay by your side."

"(Y/n) I do not want you to reject the offer. You have been wanting to become a professor again and I am not wanting to take that away from you. I-"

"Severus listen to me." I use both my hands to cup his face so he can look at me in the eyes.
"I don't need that position. I just need you and our daughter. I need my family to be happy and if it's the only way to do that, then I will gladly turn down that offer. As much as I want it, I am choosing my family first. Our little girl needs us and I will do anything to make her happy. But we will keep our options open. We are going to figure something out together. You and me, remember?" I explain.

Severus grabs one of my hands and places it near his lips to kiss my knuckles.
"You are the woman I need in my life." He says quietly. I smile at the comment and wrap my arms around him for a hug.

"I love you so much Severus. And I'm so sorry for-"

"It's alright." He lifts up my chin and kisses my forehead.
"From now on, I will spend time with you and my daughter for as long as I can. I will do my best to be there for both of you."

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