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After having a total of two sleepovers, Amia and I go back with Minerva for the next few days. I wanted to visit Severus but he said he doesn't want to ruin the surprise since he's planning Amia's birthday. I still feel bad that he has to pay. I wish I could pay him back.

"So Minerva, I have some news." I say positively. Amia is in school and I'm helping Minerva clean the house since Amia loves to drop her colored pencils. She lost 4 of them but I already found them under the couch.
"After Amia's party, I was thinking of searching for a job. And I think I have the perfect one in mind."

"Really? What job would that be?" She asks.

"Um, Severus offered me a job to be a professor again." I smile nervously.

"Really? Have they changed the rules?"

"Apparently. From 8 years down to 3. It's what Severus said."

"Well that's good news dear. And Amia?" She wipes the coffee table with a damp towel before going to the dining room.

"We are still trying to figure things out but Amia will still attend her school here. We made a plan for me to drop her off and Severus pick her up afterwards." I respond.

"Pick her up? But Amia gets out during Severus's classes."

"Severus is willing to stop teaching and be a full time Headmaster. That will allow him to take care of Amia until I return."

"Well if he's willing to take care and protect Amia, then he is making a good choice. Sometimes we need to make sacrifices for our children whether we like it or not. Though in the end, it will be worth it." She explains while throwing all the crumbs away from the damp cloth.

"I know. It's just that when he became Headmaster, he said teaching would also be a benefit for his finances. I supported him in that but I don't want to ruin it."

"If he is giving up teaching to take care of his daughter, then he is not worried about money. Believe me, I've been through it." She responds before going into the kitchen to wash the cloth. I sit at the dining table and look at the time. I still have two hours until I'm able to pick up Amia.

Time is going by so slow today. I want to see my daughter already.

After picking up Amia, I make her some lunch which is a ham and cheese sandwich. She does love her cheese.
"There you go Amia. Ham and cheese." I place the plate down in front of her and give her a napkin just in case.

"Where's daddy?" She asks while picking up half the sandwich.

"He's busy working today. But we are seeing him tomorrow, remember?"

"Sleep over?" She asks excitedly.

"We would have to see." I tuck in a strand of hair behind her ear so she's not eating it with her sandwich.
"Amia, in the future, would you like to live with your father? Do sleepovers everyday?"

"Yes!" She gets excited that she drops her sandwich on the floor.
"I'm sorry." She gets off the chair and picks up the sandwich. I thought she was going to throw it away but instead she gave it to me.

"Okay then." I use half of her napkin to put the sandwich on it.
"So Amia. If we stay with your father, then I will have to work. Which means he will pick you up after school."

"Okay." She takes a bite of her sandwich and swings her legs.

"And while I'm working, you will be with him until I come back. Will that be okay with you?" I caress the top of her hair and tuck in some more hair behind her ear.

"Yes mommy." She says before taking another bite.

"You do love him, don't you?" I ask with a smile.

"Mm-hm. Good daddy." She finishes her sandwich and carefully grabs the plate with both hands to put it near the sink.
I keep looking at Amia and imagine our lives together when we move in with Severus. I could only imagine us doing things as a family during the weekends since those are the days I'll be off.

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