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My eyes were ready to adjust to the lighting when I entered the strip club but nothing was too bright for me. There was only dim lighting around us.
Though when we go through a curtain, my eyes don't know where to look the moment we see young women in the dressing rooms.

There are so many young women changing into their outfits and all of them are not afraid to change in front of each other.
If that were me I would be hiding in the corner.

As we walk further in, a young woman suddenly takes off her outfit in front of me without letting me process. And honestly I couldn't help myself but look and admire her body. I even slowed down when my eyes couldn't look away.

"Hey cutie." The young woman winks at me when she sees me staring at her. I immediately blush and look away hoping no one saw me.

"Not bad." Mason whispers with a low chuckle. I roll my eyes and even cross my arms to hide myself, just in case, since Mason can't keep his eyes to himself every time a woman takes off her shirt.

When we finally reach the doors to the main lounge, Grant gestures Mason over and whispers something in his ear.

"Backside on your left. Timing is crucial with this one." Mason whispers back to him.

"Then I'll deal with it when I'm done." Grant says after walking to the left since that's where the path is. Everything in here is noisy, dim, bright in specific places, and there are many women on platforms entertaining the men.
I quickly follow behind to not lose sight of Grant since there are servers wandering around. Looks like Fridays are busy for them.

"What's that about?" I slow down a bit so Grant doesn't hear me. I told myself I wasn't going to interfere with their business but that just made me too curious.

"There is an older rich man, in the far corner where the private lounge is, who owes Grant a certain amount of money." He says after making sure Grant is fully focused on where we're going.

"That one?" I secretly gesture to a man who looks like he's in his early fifties, mixed black and white hair, with a woman on each side of him, a gold necklace, two gold rings, a cigar that's not even lit on his lips, and an ugly dark yellow jumpsuit. Who even made that jumpsuit?

"That's the one."

"How much does he owe Grant, if you don't mind me asking?" I quietly ask while trying to keep up.

"From what I know, sixty five thousand."

"SIXTY-" Mason quickly covers my mouth while making me stop walking so Grant doesn't hear us.

"Do not mention this to anyone. It is confidential. Do you understand?" Mason asks in a strict tone. I knew I shouldn't have interfered with their business.
So I nod my head in response which allows Mason to remove his hand from my mouth.
"Go on. He's waiting for you." He says while looking at Grant. I look over as well and see Grant opening a curtain to a smaller private area.

"Thank you again." I say to Mason and quickly rush over to enter the room.
The room itself is actually pretty nice. It has a long white couch with two pillows on each side, a round coffee table, roses of every color in a vase that's next to the couch, and even a bowl of candy.
Well... special candies.

After looking at the room, I turn around to see Grant close the curtains and turn on the one light that's above the couch.

"You have three minutes." Grant walks past me to sit on the couch and leans back with one arm on the base.

"Okay. The reason I needed to talk to you is because I need you to do me a favor. One that I can't do myself."


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