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After spending time with Severus for the week while Amia was in school, I spent time with her all weekend since I don't want her to think I forgot about her. I could never leave her behind. She's everything to me.

"Mommy. Look." She runs towards a little pink flower that somehow survived the winter. It's cold out here on a Sunday afternoon for a flower.

"Well would you look that?" I crouch down to her level to also inspect the flower.
"It's a beautiful flower, just like you." I pull her in for a hug and kiss her cheeks over and over again until she tries to push me away.

"No more." She says with an attitude.

"Oh really? Not even one more?" I ask, trying to convince her. She shakes her head and covers her cheeks.
"Too late!" I wrap my arms around her and violently kiss her forehead several times, making her laugh.

After having our little fun together, Amia begins to yawn and rub her eyes.
"Nap time for you." I stand up and grab her hand to lead her out of the park.

As we make our way to Minerva's house, I watch Amia begin to walk side to side, letting me know she's really tired.
"Alright. Come here." I pick her up and allow her to sleep on my shoulder. She's so cute when she snores.

When we arrive to Minerva's, I enter through the door and go to the room to gently place Amia down on the bed. When she gets comfortable, she starts humming a song to help her sleep but I somewhat recognize the melody. So I quietly sit on the bed and listen.

When I finally make out the tune, my heart felt like it was being squeezed tight in a very painful but heart warming way. It's the lullaby I sang when I was pregnant with her. I would often hum or sing that lullaby when I felt so alone in this world. But everytime I sang that lullaby, she would kick my belly and let me know that I wasn't going to be alone anymore.

"I love you so much Amia." I whisper and kiss her forehead. I quietly got up from the bed and slowly walk out of the room, slightly closing the door.

"Already asleep?" Minerva whispers as she exits her own room.

"Yeah. We just came back from a walk at the park. It's beautiful just like you said."

"I knew you would like it. Anyway, I am headed out for the day. Do you need anything while I'm gone?" She asks.

"Oh no thank you Minerva. We're okay." I respond.

"Well alright. Dinner is already prepared for the both of you. It has been pre-heated but to reheat just turn on the oven and heat it up at 400° for 15 minutes."

"Minerva you didn't have to do that. I could've made dinner."

"It's the least I could for the both of you." She says with a smile.

"You have done so much for us Minerva. Thank you."

"You're very welcome. I will see you soon." She waves goodbye and heads out the door, closing it behind her.

I sit on the couch and lean back with a pounding headache. I've been non stop thinking about Amia's birthday. It's six days away and I have nothing planned. I don't even have enough money for a small birthday cake.

Asking Minerva or Severus for money makes me feel like I'm just using them instead of actually helping. Even if I find a job near here it won't pay me fast enough before Amia's birthday. I want her 5th birthday to be special.

I take in a deep breath to calm myself down before I start thinking about selling drugs to get money faster.
I get comfortable on the couch and lay down so I could take a nap as well. Amia won't wake up until later anyway.

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