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Monday morning comes by so fast for me and Amia. It's her first day at a new school and I'm hoping she likes it. I hope she makes new friends. And I can't wait for her little sleepovers one day.

"Okay Amia, are you ready?" I ask as I put on her sweater. She nods her head and yawns while rubbing her eyes.
"I know you're tired but you need to pay attention in class okay? Can you do that for me?"

"Yes mommy." She whispers with her eyes half closed.

"Good. Now what do you say when you greet new teachers?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders and is close to closing her eyes but I wake her up again.

"You say, 'hi, my name is Amia. Nice to meet you.'".

"Hi, my name is Amia, nice to... meet you?" She repeats.

"Yes. That's my little girl." I kiss her cheek and grab her hand to begin walking out of the house.
She waves goodbye to Minerva and jumps off the porch instead of taking the small step.

As we make our way to the school, I kept looking around at other people with black coats, thinking one of them is Severus. I don't know why, but I'm hoping he could remember and just ask for forgiveness for something that he knows he did and not just because I said so. Will I forgive him? I'm not too sure. But I do miss him so much.

When we arrive at the school, I open the door for Amia and look for April. I trust her to take care of Amia.

"April?" I call out when I enter the office.
April looks around to see who called her with a cookie in her mouth. When she sees us, she quickly chews the cookie and swallows it like nothing.

"(Y/n). You made it just on time. And where is that little ray of sunshine?" She leans over the counter to look at Amia who is still yawning.
"Not an early bird. I feel you honey. Mornings are terrible." She says while getting a clipboard with two pieces of paper on it.
"For you (Y/n) I'm going to need you to sign this and the time you dropped off your little munchkin. And when you come back, you'll need to write down what time you picked her up. It's standard protocol. So if a student gets left behind, we know who dropped them off. Three foster kids often get left behind."

"Oh that's so sad." I say with sympathy.

"Oh I'm their foster mom. I forget their mine when I leave." She says it like a normal thing. Maybe I should reconsider trusting her with Amia.
"Okay girlies, we are all set. Are you ready for your first day of school honey?" She gets up from her chair and goes around the desk to look at Amia.

"Yes." Amia says quietly.

"Oh you are such a cute one. And I see you have the new light up sneakers. I'm so jealous." She kneels down and touches her shoes.
"Can you stomp your feet for me? I wanna see them light up the room!"

Amia giggles and stomps her feet, making the lights go off. I smile at the connection they have already. I never knew April would be so good with kids... except the foster kids, maybe.

"Look at that! It's a party up in here!" April grabs her hands and gently shakes her arms, making Amia smile and giggle.
"Okay sweetie, time to go. Want to say goodbye to your beautiful momma?" She asks.

"Bye mommy." Amia waves goodbye and reaches up to grab April's hand. I wave goodbye and watch them leave.

"She's mine now! I'm kidding." April was about to snatch her up but decided not to. I roll my eyes and watch them enter a classroom. My little Amia is growing up. And April still stays the same age inside. She's trusting though, surprisingly.

Soon I head out of the school and walk back towards Minerva's house. I want to go rest but at the same time I want to go back to Hogsmeade just to look and walk around. I want to see what changed and how many people I can still recognize. It's been a while and I want to feel that nostalgic feeling again.

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