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With many nerves going on inside my body, I felt like I couldn't focus on anything in front of me. I even went the wrong way when I headed for the alleyway that I used to get to Hogsmeade.

"Okay Amia, I want you to hold onto me and close your eyes. Can you do that for me?" I ask as I pick her up and hold her in my arms.

"Yes mommy." She holds on tight to my shirt and hides her face into my shoulder. Once she's done that, I apparate us back to Hogsmeade with so many butterflies in my stomach and cold hands. I'm nervous and I'm not even sure what to say when I see him. I didn't even practice.

"Okay, we're here." I set her down on her two feet so we can walk the rest of the way. She reaches up to grab my hand and walks along side of me. I love looking at her when she walks with me because I have a child who trusts me in leading her places. Although I shouldn't say that out loud. That was a wrong way to say that.

"Is stranger here?" Amia asks.

"He will be. We're going to meet him in a bit, okay?"

"We give him ice cream?" She points to the ice cream store that is nearby. Just like the one in my dream.

"Um, yeah. We can get him some ice cream. What do you think he likes?" I ask as we head to the ice cream store.

"Shrawvery!" She shouts. I couldn't help myself but smile at her word.
We enter the ice cream shop and get Amia her ice cream for Severus. I ask for two spoons in case Amia starts eating it.


I turn around to see who called my name and see an old friend of mine.
"Hannah, hi. I haven't seen you in years." I say when I give her a hug. We step to the side in case other customers want to pay so we're not in the way.

"How have you been?" She asks.

"I've been well, lately. What about you?"

"Same as usual. Oh and who is this little sunshine?" She leans over to poke Amia's nose, making Amia smile.

"This is my daughter, Amia." I introduce. Hannah looks up at me for a second before looking back at Amia. I swallow the lump in my throat when she started to notice the similarities.

"Is this... his daughter?" She whispers.

"Hannah can we talk later, please? I need to get going."

"Yes of course. I'll see you soon." She looks down at Amia once more and moves aside to let us leave.

Hannah was a good friend of mine when Severus and I were together. We sometimes went on double dates with her husband since Severus is also friends with him. They always supported us and I know Hannah's husband always gave Severus helpful tips on how to make me happy. I appreciated them.

Once we arrive in the alleyway, I hold Amia close to me with the ice cream bowl in her hands. She's staring at it as if she's ready to eat it all by herself.
"Want to try it to see if it tastes good?" I ask her. Amia didn't even answer me. She just went straight in with her spoon.

"Yum." She says quietly, making me smile.

I suddenly stand up straight when I hear footsteps approaching around the corner. I fix Amia's jacket even though there's nothing wrong with it. I'm just nervous.
When we see Severus turn the corner, my heart starts fluttering like the way it did when he first kissed me.

But he didn't look at me. He was only focused on Amia.

I clear my throat and crouch down to Amia's level. I need to focus on her too.
"Want to give stranger some ice cream?" I whisper. She nods and carefully walks over to Severus, carrying the ice cream with both hands. From my point of view, she looks like a small penguin waddling her way to her father.

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