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A/n: Sorry for the delay. Enjoy!

⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

The next morning, I wake up with Amia in my arms. She must've felt cold last night since Severus wanted the blanket all to himself. Amia's blanket is now dirty since she threw up on it last night from eating too much candy. So we shared the same blanket but I somewhat knew Severus was going to take all of it. He always did that when it was just us two.

"Hey pumpkin." I whisper against her forehead. Amia stretches her arms and yawns. Then she snuggles up against me and begins snoring again. I kiss the top of her head and let her sleep some more.

Just as I start falling asleep again, I hear a knock at the door. I nudge Severus so he can open it but he groans and goes back to sleep. I roll my eyes and decide to get it myself. So I carefully move Amia to the side until I'm able to get up without waking her.
When I open the door, I see Gabby and Andrea all dressed up in their cozy outfits.

"Good morning Ms. (L/n). We're sorry to disturb you so early in the morning but we were wondering if Amia wants to join us for some breakfast in our room." Gabby offers.

"Wait. In your room?" I ask in confusion.

Gabby looks at Andrea who somewhat looks guilty.
"Andrea snuck in a waffle maker." Gabby says in disappointment.

"Can you keep it a secret?" Andrea begs. I quietly laugh at the two for reminding me how many things I snuck in when I attended here.

"You two make my day better. Let me go check if Amia is awake." I turn around to check on Amia but I see her standing near the couch just rubbing her eyes.
"Oh. Hey sweetheart. Gabby wants to invite you to breakfast. Do you want waffles?"

"Yes." She grabs her shoes and runs towards Gabby to hold her hand.

"No kiss goodbye for mommy?" I kneel down with open arms and a smile. Amia runs to me and gives me the biggest hug.

"Love you mommy." She whispers before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you so much. Be careful, and don't tell your father about eating in their room. It's our little secret." I whisper. Amia giggles and hugs me once more. I kiss her cheek a couple times and let her leave with Gabby and Andrea.

After closing the door, I go back towards the bed just to be next to Severus. He gets comfortable by laying flat on his back with his head to the side and with one arm on his torso. He is so handsome.

I lay down sideways and support myself up with my elbow and my head on my hand while caressing his arm with my fingertips.

Seeing him so comfortable while sleeping peacefully makes me have this type of relief because he's safe here. He's safe here from everything around us. But it hurts me knowing he was a victim. I mean how could she do that to him?

I want to stop her from doing anything else but I don't have an idea to get revenge.
But I do know someone who is really good at revenge. I'm just scared to talk to him. I'm scared to say the wrong thing that causes him to get the wrong idea. But contacting him is the last of my options... hopefully.

Whatever I come up with, I just know that I'm doing this for Severus. He's the love of my life and I hate for Marcella to do that again. I don't want him to get hurt again.

But first things first. I need to know what that substance is. I need to know if that substance is a magnet to only her or if a man gets attracted to the first woman they see.
Then I realize something. Where does she get that substance from? Someone has to be giving her some of that powder.

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