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A week later, I bring Amia to visit Severus since she loves it here. We tested out her potion knowledge and so far she knows a couple more that I didn't realize were in the book. Severus never taught me those mostly because I usually make potions wrong. I don't blame him anyway.

After having our dinner for the day, Amia asks if she can have play time with Severus. Meaning if he can draw with her. He's a better artist than I am, that's for sure.

I listen to their conversations about Amia's new school and how it's better than her old one. The way she explains it makes it worth listening. Severus just watches her and listens to everything she says. I just stare at him, remembering how he looked at me during the first few days we met. And I still can't get over how he acted around me back then.


'I walk down the corridors to reach my quarters after a long day of teaching. These kids are no joke.

"Professor (L/n)."

I immediately turn around when I hear Professor Snape's voice.
"Oh, Professor Snape. Hi." I fix my shirt and walk closer to him.
"Did you need something?" I ask nicely.

He hesitates for a moment, trying to find an excuse to talk to me. For a handsome man like him who fears nothing, I'm surprised he's shy to talk to me.
So instead of making him feel more shy or awkward, I decided to help him out.

"Before you answer that Professor, I may actually need your help with something." I say.

"Yes?" He clears his throat and pretends he didn't hesitate just now.

"I have these books in my room that need organizing. And as you know since I'm new to being a Professor, I haven't had the time to do it myself because there's so much work to do. Would you be available to organize them for me?" I ask nicely.

"I seem to be very busy, but if it's important then I will be available to help."

"Oh well these books aren't a priority, so if you're busy-"

"My schedule is clear." He says and walks past me. I quietly laugh and follow him to my room.
When we enter, Snape sees the amount of books I have. Very little for school but lots for my free time.

"I'm planning to put them on the bookshelf right there." I point to the shelf behind him. He nods and begins to put away the books. I don't mind if he does it in alphabetical order or by colors. I just like how he organizes his things. Maybe he can help keep my things organized. I'll probably mess it up within a day or two anyway.

After twenty minutes, I look at the bookshelf and see it organized by colors. I didn't realize how many blue books I have.

"This is absolutely perfect Professor. Thank you so much." I admire the colors and notice that my textbooks are at the very front of the line in case I need to find it faster.
I look over at Professor Snape and see him tracing the damages and cracks on the walls with his fingers.

"Why is it like this?"

"Oh those were already there when I moved in. It was probably due to the war." I walk over and stand close to him to see the damages. It was silent for a second that I could hear his heart accelerate from being this close to me.
"I still can't believe it happened months ago. I know I graduated 4... well 5 years ago before the war broke out but when I heard what was going on, I just had to help." I explain.

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