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⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

When we arrive at Hogwarts, I put Amia down on the ground since she's impatient to see Severus.
She grabs my hand and begins to run towards the entrance but I speed walk since there's mud puddles in a few areas on the ground. I don't want to slip.

Once we enter the building, we see a group of girls of different ages welcome Amia. I get startled that I push Amia behind my legs but she insists on seeing what's going on.

"Hello Ms. (L/n). Nice to see you again." A student named Andrea greets with a smile.

"Well hello. What's going on here?" I ask curiously.

"We are actually wondering if we can have some quality time with Amia. It's girls night and we want to include her." Andrea says.

"Uh, may I ask why?"

"Well we want to welcome Amia to her future home for when she's older. We want to show her around the building, have a tea party, play time, and even do different hair styles. Is that okay with you?" Gabby explains.

"Wait, no hold on a minute. What exactly is going on? Who put you up to this?" I ask.

"Daddy!" Amia points to Severus who is walking towards us. She let go of my hand and runs towards him. When Severus picks her up, he kisses her cheek and fixes her hair.

"Aww- ow!" A girl was in awe until getting smacked in the head.

"Shut up. You want detention?" Another girl warns in a whisper.

I walk towards Severus and Amia so the students don't hear our conversation.
"Severus what is going on?"

"I made a suggestion to let our daughter spend time with students." He whispers to me.
"Only girls allowed." Severus warns the girls. They all nod and smile.

"But Amia came to see y-"

"Can I mommy?" Amia asks.

"We promise to bring her back before dinner Ms. (L/n). We have apple juice, mini cupcakes, and some candy for snacks. We can also make her some lunch if you'd like." Gabby says.

"Um..." I don't want to leave Amia alone with students I just met except for Gabby but it's probably the same as leaving her at school I guess.
"Okay. B-But please be careful. Amia cannot have too many snacks after lunch and an hour before dinner. It will hurt her stomach. A-And please only two juice boxes. Oh, and please no peanut butter. She is not allergic but I just don't want her to choke. The same goes with marshmallows. Absolutely no marshmallows." I explain desperately.

"We know Ms. (L/n). I have a little sister back home that I often take care of during the summer. Amia will be in good hands." Andrea says with a smile.

"Alright." I turn to look at Amia and push her hair to the side.
"Amia, please behave yourself. Do not get into any trouble and do not eat anything unless you ask what it is. Also if you feel the need to use the bathroom, do not be afraid to ask. And if you feel tired, tell one of the girls to bring you back to me. Okay?"

"Yes mommy." Amia responds while I fix her backpack strap.
"Bye daddy." Amia hugs Severus and gently presses her lips on his cheek.

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