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When the week is done, I pick up Amia from school and lead her back to Minerva's house. Minerva left yesterday and I already miss her. I do hope she enjoys her time with her peers.

"Alright, go pick out your pajamas and your clothes that you want to wear for tomorrow. And don't forget your socks this time." I explain.

Amia smiles in excitement and rushes into the bedroom frantically searching for her pajamas. She always loves her galaxy onesie which means I have to wash it almost every other day just so she can wear it again.

After finding it, she then picks out her outfit. A purple shirt with black pants and black socks. I put myself in charge in grabbing her underwear because she always forgets but I always grab them as backup.

"Okay. Now time for a bath. You need to be clean, and don't forget to take your toothbrush with you afterwards."

"Okay." She goes into the bathroom and waits for me. I grab her other outfit that we chose this morning and go into the bathroom with her.

I bathe her thoroughly and dress her up for the day. A simple gray shirt with black pants and her new flats that she loves wearing. I still need to get her sandals.

"Here. I put your hairbrush, lotion, nail polish, and even a hand towel in this bag." I put the bag in her backpack so she doesn't drop it.

"Thank you mommy." She puts on her backpack and spins for me. It's a habit we do whenever we ask how we look.
"You are all set. Got your toothbrush and toothpaste?" I ask.


"Okay good. Now it's time to have your sleepover." I grab her hand and lead her out of the door. It's a cloudy day today and I could see dark clouds just near here. It'll rain soon so I need to quickly get Amia to safety before she gets wet.

After arriving on Hogwarts ground, we feel tiny raindrops on our cheeks and see some land on the ground.
"We gotta hurry. Run." I grab her hand and run at her pace. She laughs when I suddenly slow down and begin chasing her.

When she makes it near the doors, I swoop her up and tackle her with kisses.
"Better run faster next time." I give her one more big kiss on the cheek and put her down.

As we walk down the corridors, Amia starts looking for Gabby but I tell her she still has one more class to attend. Amia always gets excited to be with Gabby. Sometimes I want to hire her as a babysitter when she's done with school. She is the only one I trust. And possibly Andrea too since she makes Amia laugh.

"Want to knock on the door for me?" I ask. Amia doesn't hesitate to knock since she's excited for her sleepover. I, on the other hand, am determined but nervous to talk to Grant today.

Severus has a couple meetings to attend after Gabby picks up Amia. The first one is required but the other one is optional to attend. But Severus doesn't want to miss any updates about any laws they change, keep, or remove. He hasn't missed a single meeting ever since he found out they changed the law about professors being together. He only wants to be prepared if anything changes.

But while he's in those meetings, I'm going to go out and find Grant. I don't know where he goes, where he lives, or basically anything about him. But I do know someone who can possibly help. It's a long shot but I hope Mason knows. He is Severus's assistant for classes but I get this feeling that he's more than just working for this school.

Ever since I met Mason, he gave me a weird feeling. I just don't know if it's good or bad. It's like a mix but I'm still going to ask him.

When Severus opens the door, Amia runs past him and checks for any cookies. I quietly laugh as I get closer to kiss his cheek.

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