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After triple checking everything in Severus's room, I look at the time and realize that Amia is almost out of school for the day.
"I have to pick up Amia. I'll see you in an hour." I kiss his cheek and walk towards the door but Severus pulls me back and gently cups my chin so he can passionately kiss me. When he notices that I don't even try to stop the kiss, he let his tongue slide through my lips and kept me close. I enjoy it way too much to the point where I forgot what I was about to do.

When he slowly pulls away, I show a shy smile and blush.
"Um... I-I'll be back." I say quietly.

"Mm-hm." He gives me one more small kiss before removing his hands from me so I can leave. I haven't felt this type of strong urge to sleep with him in a long time. But the way he looked at me was the same as when he called me perfect and beautiful. I felt loved again.

When I arrive at Amia's school, I greet April with a smile and begin to sign the time slot.

"Well someone seems happy. Did you get laid?" She asks with a smirk.

"What? No."

"Got a new boyfriend?"

"Not new." I say as a hint.

"Shut up! Girl. When did this happen? Tell me the details. Quickly." She says while chewing her gum with a smile.

"I just got back with him. Amia already knows who he is. And I'm taking her to see him today." I respond.

"Ohh, taking your daughter to see her dad? I wish my mom did that."

"April I'm so sorry."

"Oh don't worry. He was dead before I was born." She shrugs her shoulders and types in the time slot into the system.

"...oh." I don't know how I'm going to deal with April.

After another thirty seconds, children begin to exit the classrooms to find their parents. When I see Amia, she smiles and runs towards me.

"Mommy!" She hugs my legs and turns to April for her daily lollipop.

"What do you say Amia?"

"Thank you." Amia says and waves goodbye to April.

"She is so cute! Say hi to your future husband for me." She says while waving goodbye. I grab Amia's hand and lead her out of the school so we can get ready. Well, get Amia ready.

When we arrive to Minerva's, I get her clothes ready and lead her into the bathroom so she can take a quick bath.
After drying her off, she puts on the clothes herself and even brushes her own hair... with the backside of the hairbrush.

"Um excuse me? Who told you to grow up?" I ask while placing my hands on my hips. Amia giggles and hands me the hair brush. I brush her hair and do a small hairstyle. One small braid from each side of her head and connect them in the middle, letting the rest of her hair down. Now it looks like she has a braid crown with a light purple shirt and black leggings. She even chose to put on her light up shoes.
"You look beautiful. Ready to go?"

"Yes!" She jumps in excitement and reaches up to open the door.

"Okay Minerva, we'll be back soon." I say as I put on Amia's sweater.

"Alright. Be careful and I will see you later... possibly tomorrow." She whispers the last two words with a smile and waves goodbye to the both of us just as we exit out of the house. I hold Amia's hand and walk towards the empty alleyway. She even lifts up her arms as a gesture to carry her. I don't even have to tell her to close her eyes the moment I pull out my wand. She already knows how this works.

When we apparate to the gates of Hogwarts, I set Amia down on the ground and let her take in the view.
"What is this?" She asks while hiding behind my legs.

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