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The next couple days we stay with Minerva since Severus needs to help with teaching for now. He offered us to stay today but I want Amia to get some fresh air back at the park.

"What would you like for lunch today?" I ask as we walk hand in hand. She let go for a moment to pick up an orange dried leaf that's bigger than her hand.

"Grilled cheese." She responds.

"Wow. Where did you hear that food name?"


"What? Did he make you one before?" I ask curiously.

"Mm-hm. You were asleep." She responds.

"So your father made you a grilled cheese sandwich but didn't make one for me?" I ask a bit offended. I fell asleep one afternoon and I now found out why it smelled so good in my dream the other day. I love his grilled cheese sandwiches.

"Daddy likes me more." She says all of a sudden.

"Oh your father will be hearing about this from me. And you are lucky you're cute. Or else I would be fighting you to be his favorite." I respond. Amia giggles and reaches up to hold my hand.

We arrive at Minerva's house again since Amia really wants the grilled cheese sandwich. I want some too but I love the way Severus makes it. There is no reason why his grilled cheese sandwiches need to be that good.

"Hi Minerva. We're back from the park." I help Amia take off her sweater and put it in the closet.

"I got you a leaf." Amia holds out the big leaf for Minerva.

"Well thank you very much. It is absolutely beautiful, just like you." Minerva says with a smile.

"Thank you." Amia says quietly.

"Well I'm going to make her some lunch. Would you like me to make you something Minerva?"

"I'm alright dear. And before I forget, a letter came in the mail for you." Minerva hands me an envelope with my name written on it. I don't recognize the handwriting but it looks important.

"Okay. Thank you." I set it down on the dining table where Amia is patiently waiting for me to start her grilled cheese sandwich.

"Now, tomorrow afternoon I will be leaving and will not be coming back until next Friday." She says.

"Oh that's right. Well I do hope you enjoy your time Minerva."

"Thank you. Now, before I leave, is there anything you two need from me?" She asks.

"Uh, I think we're fine Minerva. We have the house key and you gave me the agenda for the plants in your backyard. I'll be sure to water them properly."

"Thank you so much dear. Now I must finish packing. I will see you later today and if not, then I will see you in two weeks." She gently pinches Amia's cheeks and walks to her room. I think she'll have a fun time on her vacation. She deserves it.

"Okay Amia. I'll be right back." I kiss the top of her head and walk towards the kitchen to make the grilled cheese. It won't be as good as Severus's sandwiches but at least it's edible.

After seeing Amia eat the whole sandwich, I bring out her backpack and help with coloring for her homework. Her teacher has said Amia is doing a great job in handing over her homework but hasn't turned in her coloring pages. I even asked Amia why doesn't she turn them in but all she does is shrug her shoulders.

And after picking her up today, April mentioned that parent teacher conference is coming up. I'm wanting to go but I want to go with Severus. He loves her and wants her to succeed but he's busy. I hope I can convince him to take the day off.

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