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The butterflies in my stomach began to fly everywhere the moment I saw him again.
"(Y/n). I-, I've been looking for you." He takes a step closer but I take a step back, pushing Amia behind me.

"Well we were just leaving." I look away from his gaze and concentrate on getting Amia her chocolate frogs.

"We?" He asks and looks down at Amia. I push her behind me a bit more but Amia wanted to see who I'm talking to.

"Um, this is my daughter, Amia." I introduce him to her.

"Hello." Amia waves hello and stands beside my legs.

"We're in a hurry. So excuse us." I grab Amia's hand and lead her away from him. I grab the chocolate frogs and stand in line to check out. There were two cashiers side by side so I'm thankful it didn't take long to reach the checkout.

"Just these please." I place the candy on the counter and let the cashier scan them. I hold my breath when Severus stood beside me at the checkout. I kept telling the cashier to hurry up in my mind but I doubt she heard me anyways.

"That will be two galleons please." The cashier said in her customer service voice. Thank goodness these are cheap.
"Well aren't you a little cutie pie? What's your name sweetie?" The cashier leaned over the counter to see Amia.

"Amia." She says quietly.

"I love your name. You both picked out a great name for her." She told between me and Severus.

"Uh, n-no. We're not-"

"Oh I'm so sorry. I thought you two were together. It's just that your daughter has the same eyes as his. Isn't that weird?"

'Shut the hell up!'

I look over at Severus who happened to be staring at Amia already. Amia just smiles and waves hi again. That's the moment I noticed Severus's facial expression change from confused to realization when he looked back at me.

"Keep the change." I toss the money on the counter and pick up Amia to exit the store faster.

"Bye stranger." Amia waves goodbye and holds on tight to my shirt so she won't slip out of my arms.
When I reach an alleyway, I put Amia down with tired legs and arms. She's getting heavier by the day. But then again I keep forgetting she's not 2 anymore. I wish she could stay young forever.

"Amia. How did you find that man?" I kneel down to her height to make her look at me but she just shrugs her shoulders.
"Did you ever see him before?"

She shakes her head no at the question which makes me feel a little relieved.

"Amia I know you're excited about candy but you can not run off like that. It is extremely dangerous. Do you understand?" I ask desperately. She frowned but when she looked up behind me, she smiled and waves hi again. I didn't want to turn around but I had no other choice... except run but I'm tired.

So I stand up straight and turn around to see Severus standing there, wanting to get closer to us.
"Is she, mine?" Severus looks at Amia but I push her back behind me.

"Severus please don't do this here."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He takes a step forward again but I take a step back.

"You know exactly why Severus. I needed to keep her safe."

"Safe? From me?" He asks confused.

"You still don't remember, do you?" I ask with tears in the corner of my eyes from remembering what happened years ago.

"I tried to remember. Whatever I did to you, I'm sorry."

"You-" I stop to look down at Amia, remembering that a four year old should not be listening to this conversation.
"We're not doing this. Let's go Amia." I grab her hand and walk past Severus but he grabbed my arm.

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