Chapter 8

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Today Nash was going to take me out on a date. I was so excited but also worried. I was planning to tell him that I'm pregnant since today is our last day on holiday. I'm just not sure if I can do this. I'm so scared. What if he leaves me? I can't take care of this baby by myself.

"Baby you all right? " I snapped my head in his direction. I gave him a confused look. He just laughed "You were staring at the seeling so I assumed something was wrong." I shook my head. I held my arms out, asking for him to come cuddle with me. He happily agreed and layed next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I love you baby" I smiled at him placing a gentle kiss on his lip's. " I love you too Nashy. " he leaned in closer, but before his lip's could touch mine I twisted my head to the side. "We should probably go shower. We have a date soon. " I said getting up. I swayed my hip's as I walked, I could hear him suck in a breath.

"You coming? "I stuck my head out the door. I laughed as Nash jumped off the bed, running to the bathroom. I followed behind him, starting the shower. "Nash!! " I sqealed loudly as Nash through me over his shoulder. He opened the shower doors, placing me inside. I wrapped my arms around his neck, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. I blushed as he winked at me. I giggled, hiding my face in his neck.


I put on some black skinny jeans with a grey button down and some white vans. I checked my self in the mirror. I looked good. "Hey baby. You ready to go? " I turned around nodding at Nash. My jaw dropped when I saw him. He was wearing a black shirt with a Grey and black jacket over it. He had a pair of black skinny jeans, red vans and a white snap back. I bit my lip, looking him up and down. He winked at me, kissing me on the lips. I blushed a deep red.

We walked outside and into Nash's truck. He walked up to my side and opened my door. I planted a kiss on his cheek and stepped inside. He walked around the car and got in his side. He stepped on the pedal and drove to the destination.

It was breathtaking. It was out on a field. There was a brightly set up table in the middle of the field. There were lights set up all around the field. There were even lights set up the trees. It was so beautiful. Tonight is going to be perfect. I hope. "I love it Nash. It's so beautiful."he stood behind me rapping his arms around my waist. "But not as beautiul as you. " I turned my head in his direction, so that our eyes met. "Now shall we get our date on? " I chuckled, following Nash to the table.

I was right. Tonight was perfect. We talked about random stuff. He said one day he wants to make a difference in the world. And as a supportive boyfriend, I believe he will. We talked about how our future together would be. I hadn't mentioned the hole pregnancy thing. The date was nearly over so I decided to just tell him. "Nash I have to tell you something." He placed his hand on mine, giving me his full attention. I let out a shacky breath. It's now or never. "Nash I'm pregnant." His jaw dropped, his eyes widening in shock. He looked at me in disbelief. "Your fucking pregnant!! When did you find out?" he started tensing up. He removed his hand from mine. "I found out two days ago. Look I know I... "

"You found out two days ago and you didn't fucking tell me. So I'm asuming lying to me was a better option." He stood up, slamming his fists on the table. "Nash please I d... " I stood pleading for him to calm down. "Cut the bullshit Hayes. I can't deal with your shit right now." and with that he left me. All alone. On our date. After I told him I was pregnant. He left me.


Why? Why why why? God why did I have to lie to him. I could have just told him. His gone now. He hates me. He will never love me again. I sat in my or should I say our bedroom, crying my eyes out. I tried so many times to call Nash but he won't answer. He hasn't come back and it's worrying me.

Maybe I should go try and find him. I'll probably have more luck than just waiting here. I got up from the bed and made my way to the closet. I put on some wooly boots, Nash's warm thick jacket and made my way outside. I winced as the cold air hit me. The things you have to face when in snow. I walked around the hole holiday resort. But there was no sign of him. I even went to the front desk, but they were no help.

I collapsed in the cold snow, balling my eyes out. His gone. His gone for good. If only I knew where he could be....Hang on. I know he loves snow boarding, so maybe his there. I got up off the ground and made my way to the snowboarding thingy (don't know what it's called). And as I predicted there he was. I smiled the biggest smile ever, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Nash! " I called out running up to him.

"What do you want?" I frowned slightly at his tone.

"Look Nash Im s.... "

"Sorry? Huh Hayes? Is that what you were going to say? Cause sorry ain't going to cut it. You lied to me about having a fucking child. Instead of just telling me, you go ahead and lie to me." he said, anger evident in his voice.

"Nash please. Just I'm sorry. "


"IM SORRY, OKAY NASH? I'm so fucking sorry. I know it wasn't right to lie to you but, I was scared. I was scared you were going to leave me." I was now crying my eyes out. I clung on to his shirt so tight, it was as if I would die if I let go.

"Leave you? Baby come here. " I sat down so that I was straddling his waist.

"Baby there is no way I would ever leave you. You mean way to much to me. Look I'm sorry for hurting you like that. It just hurts that you couldn't tell me. Baby I love you so much, and I know for a fact that I will love our baby too." I smiled at him, letting all my tears fall out. I wrapped my arms around his neck, nuzzling my head in his neck.

"I love you too. "


Guys I was speaking to this one amazing person in vines (@Old Macon Edits) and I told her something that I think is acctually really importnant.

(these are both qoutes from myself)

People keep judging you, but only from the past. They can't say anything about the future because you've changed for the good of it. They just have not realised it yet because they hooked up on the past.

And another one I said.

People judge you. It's all in the past tho. We can't move into the future if all people think about is the past.

So think about it. If your hating on someone stop because I'm sure that for a fact they have changed. You just need to open your eyes and move to the future so the past can be the past. Cause that's what the past is. Something that happened a long time ago. It happened and there is nothing you can do to take it back so hating is literaly the worst thing to do. It won't get you anywhere.

Stay beautiful.

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