Chapter 23

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This is going to be kinda short because it's just Hayes's feelings. So bare with me.


I can't believe it. He has cancer. My baby has cancer. He has the deadliest type of all and I just... I just can't bare to loose him. I don't want to be without him. I can't be without him. I won't let him die. I just won't.

His been like this for a while but he hasn't told anyone and due to that he has not been taking medication which would explain why he collapsed out of no where. The doctor said his days are numbered and there aren't too many. My days are counted too. If he goes I go. I know it's not his fault but I just can't live without him.

His the love of my life. His the one who would wake me up by kissing from my lip's to my neck. His the one who would take me out on cute dates. His the one who would make love to me. His the one I married. His the one I fell in love with.

If he leaves then he can never come back. He'll be gone. Out of my life. He won't be with me anymore. I just... I can't do this. I know I should have hope for him but I just don't. There is a way he can live but I just don't see it. This level of cancer has not been beaten so what would be so different about him. I want him to make it so badly but in his condition I don't think he will.

I have to leave. For good. I can't stay here and watch my love die. I can't watch my son loose it. I can't watch the guys loose hope. I can't be here. Leaving is the best option at this point. I would be able to see my Nash. My baby. ....Thats it I have to do it. Today. I decided to just right notes to everyone.

To : Shawn and Taylor

My two best friends. I just can't thank you enough. You have bothe been there for me when I needed you the most. I am so sorry this is unexpected but I have to leave. I can't stand here and watch everyone get eaten alive. I need to leave.

I'm Sorry : love Hayes.

To : Nate and Kenny

Wow. It's funny how time flew by. Your little girl is growing. The future holds a great place for you guys. And I'm so sorry I won't be there to see. I decided it's time for me too leave. I need to go. But when I do go I want you guys to stay strong and make sure my little boy and girl stays strong too.

I'm sorry : love Hayes
...........(skip other letters)

To Nash :

I don't really know where to begin with this. I mean-for all I know you could be gone by the time I send this. Look I'm so sorry I'm doing this too you. You are the love of my life. The handsome man I fell in love with. My love of 14 years. I can't believe it. Our children are growing up in front of our eyes. And I'm sorry I won't get to see them grow further but I just..... I can't stay here. I'm so sorry. I love you baby. I always will. Our love will forever stay strong. By the time you read this I will be gone. My life will be fading away. Im so sorry. I love you.

And that was it. That was the last thing I wrote down before I got up and ran to the top of the building. I stood over the edge with 3/4 of my feet hanging over it. I guess that's it. That was my time. And that was his time.

What I didn't know was that Nash's heart had just stopped as I jumped off the building. It's as if his heart shattered when my body hit the floor. And I guess that was it. That was the end of our legacy. Our life.

But our love will never ever fade away.

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