Chapter 12

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I walked around the house making sure I cleaned it properly. I sighed, walking to the couch and sitting down. It was awfully quiet and I didn't like it. I was home alone tonight, just like every night. Why you may be asking. It's because my parents went on their annerversery, Will has been spending all his time with Siera and Nash, well his been going out every night. Not just going out with friends, every night he goes to one of Justin Bieber's big party's and then comes home drunk. I honestly don't know what to think of it. I'm a little upset since I'm pregnent and all, but I'm not going to hold him back from having fun just because I'm carrying his baby.

I decide to just turn on the TV, so I reached for the remote beside me, and turned it on. There were things on the news about llamas being chased somewhere. I eventually got annoyed with it, so I decided to change the chanal. But before I could hit the button, something on the screan caught my attention.

/news dude speaking/

"It has been tolled that the one and only Justin Bieber has decided to throw another one of his crazy party's. But it seems that a special member from the vine industry decided to tag along.

Yes it's the one and only Nash Grier. But that's not all we found. There has been a recent picture that has gone virul. It was a picture of Nash Grier and Kylie Jenner kissing. I wonder what's g..... "

And there it was. The picture that ruined it all. I stared at the picture in disbelief. It can't be true. This has to be some kind of joke or a game. Why would he do this? Why would he cheat on me. I stayed there all day just staring at the screen. I was too shocked, too hurt, too ashamed to do anything. I mean-what exactly can I do about it? He cheated on me, and I can't just forget about it.

And as if god wanted to ruin my day more, Nash walked through the door. He was a little drunk but sort of sober. I stood up off the couch and made my way to him. "Baby.. "he was about to come and hug me, but I slapped him right across the face. He stumbled back, seeming very shocked, but I didn't care.

"Hayes what the fuck was that? " he stood there holding his cheek, giving me that what the fuck look. I chuckled bitterly. "Dont shit with me Nash, I saw what fucking happened with you and Kylie. You fucking cheated on me!!!" by now, I couldn't stop the tears from pouring out. He had a confused look but it was then changed with a look of sympathy.

"Baby, you don't ....." Before he could continue, I slapped him again. "No Nash, You can't fucking take back what you have done. I don't care if it meant something or not, it's the fact that you did it!!! " I was now broken. I can't stay here. In this place with him. It's not healthy for me. "You know what Nash. I don't want you to ever talk to me, touch me or even come near our baby... ever again!! " and with that I stormed out the house.


I was getting closer. Closer to my destination. Oh who am I kidding. I don't know where I am or where I'm going. All I knew was that I was in some ally way. To be honest this place creeps me out. I stood for a second, debating on weather I should head back. I turned on my heals in the other direction and started walking.

Before I could register what was going on, I was slammed into another body. I landed on the floor with a loud thump. I groaned in pain as I landed on my butt. "Hello cutie. What brings you here? " I could practically hear the rape in his voice. Without even looking up I could tell he was a druggie or a rapist. I was scared to say the least. This stranger could rape me with out any one knowing. Curse this part of town.

"I-im sor-ry. I did-didnt mean to b-bump into y-y-you." you could practically hear the fear in my voice. He chuckled bitterly, pulling me up by the hair. He let out a breath. It smelt like weed and alcohol. I winced as he tightened his grip on my hair. "Well sorry's not gonna cut it. You will have to repay me with something else. " I was practically shacking. At this point there was no chance of running.

"What do.... " he silenced me by slamming me against the concrete wall. I cried out in pain as my back hit the wall. He started walking towards me, a devilish look played on his face. When he stood only an inch in front of me, he turned me around and started un doing his pants. Oh no. "No please don't do this, please I beg you please!!! " I was now screaming for help.

Once he got his pants and boxers down he reached out for mine. I tried moving further away, protecting the baby with my arms. He growled angrily, pulling me back by the hair. I cried out in pain. "please, please no. " I softly whispered, tears falling from my eyes.

He started pulling my jogging tights down and then my boxers. "No please no. Stop. Someone help. Please. Nash. Nash help me!!! " he slammed my face hard against the wall. I screamed out as the concrete collided with my face. He lined him self near my entrance. He then pushed in roughly. I yelped out, feeling the tears get heavier.

"Hey. Let him go!! " yelled a voice. I know that voice. It's very familiar. Wait I know. It's... Aaron. What's he doing here? The man pulled out of me and turned to Aarons direction. "Oh and what do you think your going to do about it? " he made his way to Aaron and raised his and, getting ready to hit him. But before he could a hole army of men appeared out of nowhere. The fuck. "Oh I won't be doing anything. I'll leave it to them. "

They handcuffed the man and shoved him in the back of the police car. Aaron ran up to me and engulfed me in a gentle hug. "Are you okay? Did they hurt the baby? " I smiled sweetly at him. I just gave him a resuring hug. Telling him that we are okay. "C'mon lets get you to my place. " I agreed taking his hand, following him to the car. We got in, rushing off to his place.

When we stepped inside his place, we were greeted by Cameron. He walked up to Aaron, giving him a kiss. Aaron wrapped his arms around Camerons waist and hoisted him up. I cleared my throat uncomfortably. "Oh Hayes. Sorry about that. " Cameron said walking up to me.

Wow he put on wait. A little to much. In fact his stomach looks pretty swollen. "Wow Cameron, what happened to your stomach? " I pointed out. He looked towards Aaron, wide eyed. They both seemed pretty uncomfortable. "Bout that... ummm... there is something we have not been telling you." Aaron gave Cam one last look before continuing. "Camerons pregnant. "


Go check out secrets by lukeseyestho. It's really good.

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