Chapter 11

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//Jack Gilinsky//

Ring Ring. No answer.

Ring ring. Again no answer.

Ring ring. There was a slight pause before I heard a male voices speak up. I sighed in relief. I was sitting outside at 1:00 am while Jack was sleeping peacfuly in our bed. I decided to call up Nash to ask for his help.

"Dude, it's.... HOLY SHIT ITS FUCKING 1:00am. THIS BETTER BE GOOD GILINSKY!!" I chuckled slightly at his suddern out burst. I let out a frustrated sigh, collapsing on the grass. "Look dude I'm sorry for calling, I just didn't know what to do. Do you think we can have a bro meeting with the guys? " for a second the other end went silent. I pulled my phone away from my ear looking at it wierdly. "Sure, why not? " I mentally cheered to myself. "Okay bye bro see you tommorow. " before I could hang up he ended the call. I looked at my phone in disbelief. Oh he did not just hang up on me. Bitch.

I stayed outside for a little while just admiring the peace and quiet when suddenly I heard a fragile, broken voice. "Jack? " it was so soft I could barely hear it. I turned around looking for the person. There he was. There stood Jack in his gown, trying to keep warm by hugging himself. "Baby. What you doing outside? You can get sick." I held my arms out gesturing for him to come to me. He happily obliged and ran into my arms. I placed him down on my lap so that he was straddling me.

"I had a bad dream. " I frowned up at him. It's horrible watching him like this. Whenever he has bad dreams, he wakes up sweating, screaming for me and when I finally come he clings onto me as if it's the last thing he can do. I held him tightly in my arms. "You wanna tell me about it? " he looked down at me with such broken eyes. It hurts me so much to see him in this much pain. "Y-you cheated on me and t-then you l-left me f-forever."I frowned feeling my heart brake. " Baby I would never cheat on you nore leave you." he placed his head on my shoulder letting his eyes close. After a few seconds I heard small snores coming from him.

I gently picked him up, making sure he doesn't wake up. I opened our door and stepped inside. I walked to our room door and opened it. I gently lay him down planting a passionate kiss on his lip's. I stripped to my boxers and joined him in the bed. "Sweet dreams beautiful. " I whispered to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, letting sleep take over me.


"Okay dude it's fucking 6:00 in the morning. You called us over so this better be fucking good. " Nate said. Oh Maloley and his precious sleepy time.

"Its really important guys and I would appreciate it if my bro's would listen and support me. " they all stopped complaining and turned their attention to me.

"Well dude what is it? " Cody asked. I took a deep breath and let it out. Now is the time. I have to tell them.

"I want... I want to ask Jack to marry me. " they all stood in silence. I was a little nervous. I thought they would support me.
"Alright man. That's amazing! "Taylor yelled along with the others. I sighed in relief rolling my head back.

"Okay but what does this have to do with us? I mean we're not getting married. So why are we here? " I smiled deviously at Sam.

"Well Sam. I was hoping you guys would help me plan it and set it up and all that stuff?." they all burst out in excitement and ran up to me. Squishing me in there bro hug.

"Whoa what's going on here? " We all snapped our heads to the door... and there stood. Cameron; Sierra; Shawn; Dillon; Kenny; Hayes; Mathew; Mohogany and....Jack. Shit I hope he never heard us. They all just stood there in confusion. "Oh nothing just brothers being brothers." Aaron spoke up. They all just nodded and went with it.


God Aaron tell them. They deserve to know. They are your best mates. They will understand and support you and Cameron. I sighed deciding to just leave it. Once we all left The Jack's hotel we all drove home. Once Cam and I arrived at our hotel he imediatly collapsed on the bed. I sighed falling down with him.

"When are we going to tell them Aaron? " Cam asked, snuggling into my chest. I looked down at him seeing that he was looking up at me. I smiled at him planting a kiss on his for head.

"I don't know baby. " I really didn't know when we were going to tell them. I was a little scared to tell them but I knew they would still support us. "But don't worry, we'll tell them soon. He smiled up at me planting a kiss on my lip's.

"Wanna watch a movie? " I asked. He nodded his head excitedly. I sat up going to the DVD draw and searching for a movie. I picked one of Cam's favourite movies, The notebook. To be honest I don't really like t.... I stopped my thoughts when I felt someone's eyes burning into me. I turned around seeing Cam staring at me. When he saw me looking he blushed. I just chuckled, putting the movie in and hitting play.

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie. My eyes were locked on Cam and his beauty. He was just so perfect. I can't wait for our baby to come. He is almost two months pregnant so the bump is showing a little. I lifted is shirt a little, revealing his cute little bump. I smiled at it, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on it. "Daddy can't wait to see you. " I gave it one last kiss and sat back up. My eyes imediatly locked with his. He smiled up at me placing a kiss on my lip's.

And that night we did not just have sex, we made love.


Cliche. I know.

Fact about me: I'm in grade 7.

Stay beautiful. Or if not at least stay human. (me trying to be funny -__-)

When difficult situations come. Just say Imma flap the fuck away before I flap the fuck on you. That is a qoute from myself.

Be sure to go check out my best friends first story. Her name is lukeseyestho and the book is called secrets. So check it out. It's amazing

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