My gender now vs then.

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Confusion. Changing too much, like wtf. Dysphoric as fuck.

Confusion ish. Changing a lot. Dysphoria has settled down.

Moral of the story:

Fuck me, man. My gender is changing faster than my teenage body, which honestly makes sense.

Ive found that my entire brain seems to be in constant flux, not just my gender. My emotions, my thought process, all of it. Its honestly kind of terrifying.

And as i sip my white chocolate mocha from Starbucks while looking out the window of my girlfriend's moms car, i realize something.

I am no longer Genderfluid.

I am Genderplasma

.. Lol jk but cool concept tho lol

Catch ya'll on the flip side, 🤟

And thank you so much for reading. 🌸

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