
270 13 2

Dear, whomever reads this.

Ive always wondered what it is that makes you human. One thing is loneliness.

Other animals can be lonely, but only if they have a reason to be. They cant just randomly be lonely, like humans can.

As i look out the window, i wish i was there. In the back yard, my neighbors are hanging out. Just chilling. Ive wanted to join them for a couple weeks not at this point. I enjoy the intelligent conversations i have with them. But my mom doesn't want to. If i were older, this wouldn't be a problem. None of them care that i'm 13, neither does my mom, yet i find it awkward to sit there with adults that aren't family, without my mom. But i'm so lonely. I just wanna hang out with them...

Maybe tomorow...

Or the next day.

This same thing may happen up until my mom agrees to come, or i lose it. I suspect i may be going insane. But thats fine.

Sincerely, Me.

............. Sincerely me~

Im not sorry. Fuck you.

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