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I was locked in the cellar again. No harmed done this time. Just questions. He asked lots of questions.

My father sat in front of me on the floor starring deeply in my eyes, searching for answers.

"How are you suddenly so close with Luke?" he asked.

"I'm not close with him" I said "I barley know him, dad."

I let the word dad roll slowly off my tongue. It pained me to call him that because he never treats me like I'm his daughter.

"You seemed awfully cozy when he took in his embrace" he said.

His grip on the pen and paper getting tighter and tighter. 

"Because there is actually someone out there that is willing to give me a hug and not beatings" I said while looking to the floor.

Those words flew out of my mouth without even thinking. A sharp pain collided with my cheek and fell to my side.

"Ungrateful child" he muttered as he walked out of the cellar locking the door behind him. He took a wine bottle on his way out. Tonight would be one of his drunk nights. I placed my cool hand on my burning cheek. I'm pretty sure another bruise would form again.


It was 2:30am. I could hear my father's snores from a mile away. I heard the wine bottle fall and crash to the floor a few minutes ago, followed my a loud thump. My father had passed out and fallen asleep. Again.

A knock was placed on the door. Someone was outside. My mind wondered what someone would be doing outside late at night. The only answer I could think of was Luke. I tried opening the door but it was locked. I opened the white curtains in front of the window. The full moon lit up the night sky accompanied by the stars. 

I tiled my head to the left and looked slightly upwards to see who was there. A guy dressed in black was standing there holding what seemed to be a gun. He knocked again. His sleeved slipped a black tattoo was in my view. I squinted my eyes to see who it was but the shadows of the night covered my view. The dust on the window didn't help either.

I tried to tilt my head more but ended up hitting my head lightly against the window. The guy turned his head towards me and I quickly disappeared behind the curtains hoping who ever it was wouldn't see me. The guy started to walk to the window and soon crouched down in front of it. 

"Hello?" he asked

I couldn't talk back to him otherwise my father would probably hear me. I'm not sure since he is in deep sleep. The voice sounded deep and raspy. I heard a gun being loaded and I gulped.

"Who's in there?" the guy asked

I took shaky breaths as I opened the curtains so the guy could see my face. A pair of dark brown eyes looked straight into mine.

"Are you Jazmine?" the guy asked

I nodded.

"I'm Calum" he said. I nodded and weakly smiled.

I heard thumping come from outside the door. Dad must of been awake. I widened my eyes. 

"You have to go" I mouthed and waved my hands around signalling him to go away. 

"Luke wanted me to tell you something" he said 

"It has to wait" I said out loud "just go" I said and disappeared behind the curtain. Calum nodded and walked away from the window and back down the street. 

"Jazmine who are you talking to?" dad slurred as he opened the door.

I dropped to the floor and shut my eyes pretending that I was asleep. Dad opened the door and looked at me. I was shaking as I lay down on the dusty floor. Dad came up close to me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"My child Jazmine" he said. He grabbed something from his pocket "are you really asleep?" he asked.

Before I knew a cut was on my left arm. I grind my teeth together to keep me from squealing. The pain was unbearable.

"Seems like you are" he said and walked out of the room shutting the door.

"Ouch" I winced and sat up straight clutching my arm.

Tears fell from my sapphire eyes "ouch, ouch, ouch" I say and I clutch my arm harder to stop the blood from spilling out.

Suddenly another knock was placed on my window "Jazmine you still there?" a guy asked.

It was Calum. My condition was bad. He couldn't' see me like this but I needed help.

"Jazmine" another voice said. I immediately recognized it. Luke.

I rushed to the window taking deep breaths before I ripped the curtains aside. Luke looked at me in horror. My arm was bleeding and my cheek was purple. My peach coloured dress was covered in dust and so were my hands and feet.

"Help me" I mouthed. Tears slipped down both my cheeks. I was losing a lot of blood from my left arm. I fell to the floor and cried out in pain.

"Jazmine open the window" Luke said. I stood up and tried to pull the window. it wouldn't budge.

"Try again" he said. I tried again but nothing worked.The window wasn't locked it was just sealed shut.

Calum and Luke suddenly opened it from the outside "here" Luke said and handed me bandages.

I quickly wrapped it around my arm.

"Jazmine!" my dad shouted and opened the door. Luke and Calum quickly lay down so my father wouldn't see them.

"What are you doing with that!?" he yelled. His eyes were red and his alcoholic breath fanned my face.

"It's hurts!" I cry out in pain

"where did you get it from?" he asked 

"I kept in here" I lied 

"and why is the window opened?" he asked yet another question. 

"I- I wanted to-" I stammered trying to find a excuse. 

My father closed the window and pushed me to the wall "you can't escape!" he shouted "you will never escape do you understand!?" 

Luke and Calum were watching through the window trying to break it. The window was bullet proof. My father couldn't here them over his loud voice.

"Jazmine!" Luke shouted and pounded his fists on the window. Calum ran to the front door, pounding on it.

My father pushed into the wall and beat me rapidly. He couldn't hear Calum or Luke over his raging voice.

"Dad!" I screamed "dad stop!"

I heard people run on our driveway. Men dressed in black started to shoot Luke and Calum. Gang Bloodhound had began there attack. Luke and Calum ran down the street fighting their own battle while I tried to fight mine. Dad kicked me one last time before I fell to the ground sobbing.

"Please stop it hurts!" I shouted. 

Dad grumbled and walked out shutting the cellar door behind him leaving me to clutch my stomach and bare the pain on the cold and dusty floor.

Pain (L.H)Where stories live. Discover now