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"What if everything fails?"

"It won't."

Mine and Luke's conversation replayed over and over in my head. My purple carry bag, filled with my belongings sat on the floor. My hands shook nervously as I sat cross legged on my bed. My father had passed out drunk on the couch like he always does. I managed to stay locked in my room before he became violent. He pounded his fists on the door as I pushed against it. I thankfully didn't get hurt.

My eyes starred at the clock on my bedside table. It was 11:55pm, five minutes until midnight. I had to leave now but fear started to slither into my head like it did years ago. I quickly chucked on a black hoodie, leggings and flats. I placed my pajamas back in my cupboard and swung my carry bag over my shoulder. It was now or not at all.

I made sure to apply foundation to my bruises and thicken my eyelashes with mascara to make my eyes look less tired. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror.

Your worthless!  I heard my father say.

I shook my head and opened the wooden door, my eyes darted from left to right into the hallway before closing it. I tip toed my way to the stairs, sliding my right hand against the cold, wooden rail.

I walked stealthily down the stairs hoping my father wouldn't awake. I tip toed my way to the door and looked back to my dad sleeping on the couch.

"I hope i never see you again" I whisper before i walk out the door.

A small smile was plastered on my face as I walked on my driveway. I finally would never have to be in that house of horror ever again.

A sudden loud shout came from inside my house and the lights flickered on "JAZMINE!" my father yelled "Jazmine where are you!?"

My breath hitched at the back of my throat as the front door opened. I bolted down the street as fast as my feet could carry me, hoping that Luke was waiting for me at the bottom. I was unable to look back at my furious father. I couldn't go back. I don't want to.

"I'm sorry daddy" I whisper, tears forming in my eyes.

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