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I came home at seven o' clock that very day to see my father gone.

I panicked. He might be out looking for me.

I ran upstairs and put everything back in its original position, chucked my heels off, put socks on and walked down the stairs. As I was walking down the stairs I noticed a little note taped to the front door. I walked over to it and grabbed it.


You must be sleeping so by the time you wake up I am gone. I went out to go to work and I won't be home until midnight. Try anything and I will know. Things wont look good for you.

- Your Father

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


Since when he did he have a job?

I shrugged plopped myself on the couch in the lounge. I scrolled through my phone. I'm gad that I talked to Mrs Winters and found Michael again. I am re-living my childhood step by step.

Suddenly I heard noises. This time it was coming from the other end of my street. I put my converse on and walked to the front door. Time for another adventure.

I walked out. The freezing air surrounded me. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my grey hoddie and walked quietly towards the noise. I heard a few muffled voices from down the street.

"Your such an idiot" Luke's voice replayed in my head "go home Jazmine!"

I took a deep breath. I wasn't going home. I don't want to go home. Little does Luke know that my house isn't a home....'s torture.

I walked quietly down the street. The muffled voices sounded clearer.

"So Luke" a voice said "did you and Jazmine have a little chat today at all?"

I hid behind a bush and peeked through the gaps. Luke stood there pointing a gun at another guy. Three guys were standing behind Luke.

"I didn't see her at all today" Luke said "just leave her alone Finn."

Finn chuckled "as the co-leader of Gang Bloodhound I will not rest until my leader is happy" said Finn.

"I didn't see her at all today Finn" said Luke "so move along your wasting your time."

Finn chuckled again "you see, I can't really do that" he said "she might of not been with you but she was  with one of your mates."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I don't know any of Luke's friends at all.

"What about you?" Finn asked pointing a gun at the guy next to Luke on the right.

"I saw you standing with her near an old pre-school you two talked like you've known each other for years, correct?" Finn said.

The guy shook his head "I don't know what your talking about" he said.

That voice. I knew that voice.

"Don't lie to me" Finn said "you were in each others embrace for a few minutes too isn't that right? Michael?"

I gasped "Mikey" I whispered.


Michael was a member of Gang Unknown.

"Move along Finn" said Michael

"Your denying it Michael but I can prove that it was real. It's amazing what you can do with technology" Finn said and pulled out his phone.

Michael's eye widened "fine" Michael mumbled.

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