The Daisy Field

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At twelve o' clock on the dot my father came home.

He knocked on the door roughly then opened it. I hid my phone in my back pocket of my denim shorts and sat on it hoping it wouldn't crush. He walked into the living immediately knocking over a vase in frustration, something he tends to do when he is angry. He comes over to the coffee table in front of me and knocks it over.

I flinch.

He looks at me.

His eyes cloud over in darkness.

He walks over to me and grabs my arm. He tightens his grip and pulls me off the couch. I come tumbling to the ground. As I try and get up he takes this as an advantage and kicks me in the rib. I cry out in pain and tumble back down to the ground.

I try and get up again but he grabs my hair and pulls me across the room. He flings me into the wall. I struggle to try and keep up on my feet.

I am like his human stress ball.

He slaps me on the face then punches me in the stomach. I clutch my stomach and fall to the floor. I wasn't hurt that much. I was numb from his punches now.

"Get upstairs!" he shouts.

He sounded worried but angry all mixed in together. As if he was protecting me from himself.

I ran upstairs into my room. Luckily my phone was still in my back pocket. More bruises were formed on my arms and legs, the mark on my cheek was purple and I felt sick.

Blood was smeared all over my jumper and my shorts so I had to change and have a shower. I stripped my clothes off and chucked them on the floor. I hopped in the shower. Once again the water was red. I watch it disappear inside the drain.

I sometimes wanted to be water. It could get trapped, stomped on, slipped on but it could soak into the ground or run down into a drain to hide from all the harm.

I can't do that.

My father always finds me.


I lay on my bed in my room. It was 5:00pm. I needed to get out and meet Michael. I grabbed my handbag and tipped the books out of it. I placed the books in a safe place in my cupboard. I grabbed my old pre-school clothes. The ones that I wore the very first day I went to the daisy field.

I smiled as I chucked them in my handbag. I had the very same outfit on now except an older version. I was wearing a light peach coloured frilly skirt and a grey hoodie with silver heels. I stuffed my phone in my bag and chucked on a necklace around my neck. It was the same one that I wore over and over again in pre-school. It was too big back then but I didn't care. It was a silver necklace with a little butterfly charm on it. The teachers used to always comment on how pretty it was.

I walk into the bathroom and fix my face with foundation and add them to my bruises too. I add a little bit of peach coloured eye shadow and glittery lip gloss. Mother used to always put a little bit of eye shadow on my eyes and clear lip gloss on my lips for school.


"Mummy what's this?" I asked as I grabbed her leather make up bag.

She took the bag away from my grasp "it's things for your face" my mum said. She took out some red lipstick and put it on her lips "see?" she said.

I gasped "it makes your face colourful! Can I have some?" I asked.

Mum chuckled "only a little bit" she said. She put eye shadow and lip gloss on. I had a look in the reflection of the mirror and gasped.

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