My only friend

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It was 10:45am as I reached home. My father had still an hour and fifteen minutes before he came home. He would probably come home drunk and beat me so I had to be prepared. I chucked the spare key back on the hook, placed my handbag with all my books in my cupboard and sat on the couch scrolling through things on my phone. I heard a knock on the door.

That was probably dad signalling that he was home.

Why so early?

The knocking continued. I chucked my phone under the living room pillow and walked to the front door. Dad probably locked himself out because he had no key. I reached for the door handle but I didn't twist it.

I don't want to open the door for him, I don't want to get harmed again.

The knocking became louder.

I took a deep breath and opened the door revealing a guy dressed in black with an eyebrow peircing and dyed hair. His eyes and face structure looked awfully familiar.


I was in a tiny room back in Portland.

"Hello" a boy said as I was sitting inside the pre-school classroom all alone. I looked up at him. His green eyes were really bright and his smile looked so warm. He was a year older than me. He was five and I was four. He was the boy that was repeating pre-school his year so he knew the place inside and out.

"Hi" I said as he looked in my sapphire eyes.

"I like your eyes" he said and sat down next to me.

"Thank you I like yours too" I said.

"What's your name?" he asked

"Jazmine" I said

"My name is Michael" he said.

"Do you want to come with me?" he asked with a hopeful look on his face. His green eyes glittered in the light.

I looked outside. I never really played out in the playground there were too many people I didn't know.

I shrugged "yeah okay" I said.

He held out his small, warm hand. My smaller, cold hands took it and hand in hand we walked outside. We weren't going to the playground. He led me somewhere else. We walked over to a gate on the end of the school near the classrooms. Michael climbed over it and stood on a ledge.

"Come on" he said.

I climbed over the fence and stood on the ledge trying not to look down. I hate heights. He grabbed onto a broken plastic pole and swung himself up onto the roof as if he was on a rope. I sat on the roof waiting for me. I grabbed the pole but was to scared to swing onto the roof. Michael held out his hand again.

"Swing and grab onto me" he said.

I nodded. I swung myself up and grabbed onto Michael's hand. He pulled me up. We crawled higher onto the roof and down the other side and one point I thought I saw the whole world. There was another ledge on the other side. Michael stepped on it and jumped down. Of course I had to follow him. I stepped on the ledge and jumped. I landed on soft grass. I looked around. I was in a field of yellow daises and butterflies. The field was a hill that over looked the city that I lived in. It was beautiful.

So Michael and I sat in the field of Daisies everyday at lunch break until it was over. We told each other stories, created daisy chains and used our imagination. This was our hiding place form the rest of the world.

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