Blank expression

102 13 8

My expression was blank.

Seeing Ashton in his state wasn't a pleasant sight. Straps tied his wrists and ankles down, his face was red with anger, purple veins stood out on his neck from him endless yelling. White saliva formed on the sides of his mouth and green lines began to form on his arms and legs. His eyes, oh his eyes....they were nothing like I've ever seen before. They were black, jet black. It was almost like he had two big pupils. You couldn't see the white colour either, instead the white was replaced with red. Dark, dark red.

I didn't know what to think, I didn't know what to feel. I've never seen a human being so aggressive before. He pulled so hard on the straps that his bed started to tip to the side. I gasped as the nurses  tied his chest down.

"You think you can tie me down like I'm some sort of animal!?" shouted Ashton "once I'm free I'll kill you!"

His eyes looked into mine and for a split second it felt like I was looking straight into death. His glare was so intimidating and so terrifying.  I'm glad that looks couldn't kill, otherwise I would be simply dead on the floor. My breathing accelerated as he bit one of the nurses on the arm. The poor nurse yelped in pain. Five more nurses rushed into the room and began ushering us out.

"Sorry, we need to calm him and give him treatment."

Ashton peered up at Luke, his eyes now pleading for help.

"Luke! Luke!" called Ashton, well screamed actually.

"Get me out of here!"

Luke stared at his friend. Ashton was someone Luke had known his whole life. Leaving Ashton in such a horrible state must hurt him. They began to stab needles into him. Blood oozed out of the small holes when they pulled the needles out.

"Luke! Luke! You promised you'll be here for me!"

"I am here for you Ashton" Luke says calmly "they'll help you alright buddy?"

The curtains begin to close and the sad view of Ashton was soon blocked.


Luke ignored his friend, who begged him not to leave. The nurses told Luke otherwise. He needed to go. Hurt flashes in Luke's eyes as he looked at the faded pink curtain, the screams of his friend filled his ears. The nurse we first got in contact with walked past Luke in a hurry. Luke grabbed her forearm and pulled her back.

"Uh, may I help you?" she asked

"You said Ashton will be fine!" Luke hissed "you specifically said come back in two days and I promise you he'll be fine."

"They must have not given him the right medication" says the nurse. I caught the name scribbled on her badge. Danielle. "He should be fine."

"Should be fine?" Luke repeats her words "he is far away from fine, he needs help!"

"And I assure you we are giving all the help we can, all nurses will take care of their patients" says Danielle calmly.

"Well some nurse you are, giving false information!"

"Im sorry?"

"Come on Luke let's go" says Calum and tugs on his arm.

Luke gives Danielle a glare "if he isn't fine in the next week I swear to God I'll stran-"

"Luke let's go mate" says Calum and practically dragged him out of the hospital as he shouted death threats to the poor nurse.

"Luke for God's sake stop!" says Calum.

The horrified nurse stood in her position, shocked. The colour from her face is drained.

I grab the door handle as I was shutting the door giving the nurse a apologetic look "sorry" I apologise for Luke "he is just having it rough, we all are."

I then shut the door.


When we stepped foot into Jake's house, Luke lost it. He slammed his palms on the kitchen bench and dragged his arm along it, tipping the vase off the table and letting it smash onto the ground. None of us said a word. Jake wasn't too upset that his vase was broken. We just watched the frustrated boy bury his head in his hands and sigh.

"Let's call it a day, I'm going to bed" says Micheal and slips in his sleeping bag, falling sleep in an instant. The rest of the boys did the same, piling on top of each other or plopping on top of a mattress.

I did neither. I stayed standing and gazed at Luke slowly walking over to him. Before I could even touch his shoulder he raised his hand and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't touch me" he snapped and lowered my arm.

"Sorry" I quietly say.

We stay in silence for a few seconds. It wasn't comfortable this time, it was awkward.

"What are you still doing here?" he asked

"I came to see if your okay" I say.

"Well I'm clearly not, so there you have your answer" he says a little irritated "you can go now."

"No" I say shaking my head "you were there for me when I need someone"



He sighs and stands up. His tall body towers over mine. His eyes peer down at me.

"You never give up do you?"

I shake my head.

"Never have, never will" I say.

He sits down at the table and so do I, opposite to him.

"I guess that's a good thing" he says "because they-" he pauses and points to the boys "they sometimes do."

"Really?" I ask

"So even though I'm begging you to go" says Luke and reaches forward to take my hand "please, never give up on me."

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