His Avery (Loki x Avery)

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To say Avery is surprised when she wakes up to find a man sitting on the end of her bed is an understatement, she holds out her hand and quickly reaches out for her gun in the next room which appears in her hand, the man smirks as he watches her over his shoulder.

"Who are you?" she raises the gun and points it at him. "Why are you in my house? How did you get in?"

"An associate of mine requires your help" she snorts and waves the gun at him.

"I don't help weirdos who creep into women's bedrooms in the middle of the night"

"Look, I'm asking to be nice, I could just grab you" he stands and she shoots a warning shot into the floor, he isn't afraid. "I know you are hiding from SHIELD, that they have been searching for you for a long time, Miss Esther"

"How'd you find me?"

"My associate found you, he's had his eyes on you for a while"

"That is disgustingly creepy" she steps out of her bed with her gun still in front of her.

"You are gifted, and he needs your help"

"With what?" she asks cautiously.

"You'll have to come with me" she shakes her head.

"Yeah, I'm not leaving until you tell me, so......" he sighs and rolls his eyes before running towards her, she blinks and is across the room from him, he stumbles into the wall before looking around for her. "Your friend tell you what I can do?"

"Bits of it" he rubs his head and now her eyes had readjusted to the dark she can see the bow on his back, he's cute in a broke into her house sort of way, his eyes a piercing neon blue, she narrows her eyes at him, there was something about him, something familiar. "He needs your help"

"Why should I help him?"

"Help him and he'll help you hide from SHIELD, for good" she stares at him wanting to believe him, she is tired of running, of hiding and changing her name over and over again, her image, her hair, from hiding her gift, she lowers the gun and nods.

"Can I change first?" he nods and crosses his arms over his chest, she rolls her eyes grabbing a change of clothes before disappearing into her bathroom, it doesn't take her long to change, she doesn't want this man in her bedroom any longer than necessary. "Where are we going?" he hands her a small square of paper with an address on it as she leaves the bathroom, she nods and grabs his arm. "First time teleporting?" he nods. "You might throw up" she gives him a small smile before blinking, he stumbles forward catching himself on the wall beside him and Avery looks around to find several shocked and confused.

"Agent Barton, you are back" she turns to find someone dressed in black and green clothing not from Earth that is for sure, she'd been around and never seen anyone dressed like that, she looks at his face and her jaw almost drops, handsome, definitely and she had always had a thing for men with dark shaggy hair. "And you managed to recruit our newest friend"

"Avery Esther meet Loki"

"Loki?" she chuckles. "What sort of name is that?" he raises an eyebrow at her and she sighs. "So.....why am I here?"

"I need you to obtain some items for me"

"Alright, you got pictures?"

"Pictures?" she sighs.

"I need to see what I am grabbing, if I have never seen it I can't grab it, that is what you meant isn't it? For me to teleport you stuff?" Loki nods.

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