Catwoman 1 (T'Challa x Zoya Romanova)

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Zoya and Natalia Romanova had been six when they were taken to the Red Room. The two redheaded green eyed twins had been ten when they were separated from one another. Natalia taken to the Black Widow Programme and Zoya to the Hellcat Programme. They are thirty two when they next see one another. Zoya had been stealing files from a SHIELD computer when this redhead had walked in, gun raised and aimed at the Hellcat. They'd shared a look. Before Hellcat had bolted out of there with the files. The SHIELD redhead gave chase. For six months the redhead chased Zoya. Determined was an understatement. In the end Zoya found herself trapped, a bowman, the redhead, some guy with a shield and another with a metal arm had boxed her in, she knew the guy with the metal arm, of course she did. The Winter Soldier and he remembered her from the look on his face.

"Zoya" he had called to her. "It's over" the other redhead had looked between them.

"Zoya?" she'd asked lowering her gun. "Zoya Romanova?" Hellcat looked to the other redhead.

"What's it to you, sister?" Hellcat had responded, the other redhead had smirked back.

"Natalia Romanova...." she told the woman who'd straightened up and pulled off her mask. "Sister" From then, Natasha had moved her into the Avenger Facility, under her own careful eye, at least till they decided she was of her own mind, and even then, she was restricted to Facility. Tony Stark was surprisingly the easiest to get along with, followed by Wanda and Bucky, their Hydra past a common denominator but mostly she kept to herself. Twenty two years of being alone does that to a girl.


T'Challa cocks his head as he stares at the top of Tony Stark's bookshelf before looking to the man sat at his desk, he's only in New York for a fundraiser hosted by the Avengers, normally he would stick to the tower, rather than venturing to the facility, but his suit need a touch up and Tony is the only one he deemed worthy of helping him, he may also take this opportunity to meet the new recruits, or re-meet in Bucky's case.

"Mr Stark?"


"Why is there a woman sleeping on top of your bookcase?" Tony turns and looks up at the bookshelf.

"That's Zoe......she likes to sleep up there" the redhead sprawled across the top shelf groans and peeks open an eye to glare at the two men. "Zoe....."

"Go away, Stark" she growls and turns her back on him.

"This is my office" he tells her back, T'challa looks over the woman, there is something feline about her shape, the way she is curled up on a small patch of sunlight. "Don't you have a den you can curl up in?" he asks moving back to his desk.

"No sun" she grumbles and glances back down at T'Challa. "Who's that?" she asks.

"This is T''ll like him...he likes cats"

"I am guessing you are referring to me being Black Panther" the girl perks up. "Rather than my fondness for felines...." the redhead slips down from the bookcase with agility and ease. T'Challa turns to her and offers his hand. "T'Challa....King of Wakanda"

"Zoya Romanova" she greets. "But they just call me Zoe"

"Are you to be one of the new recruits?" he asks, Tony glances to them.

"Easy up, Kitty, she's only been here a few weeks....she's still finding her feet....."

"Meaning they are still deciding on whether to trust me or not" Zoe tells T'Challa. "Being former KGB, AIM and HYDRA does that to a girl......" she winks at Tony who rolls his eyes moving back to his desk. "I'm hungry" she turns and walks away. T'Challa watches her go before turning back to Tony.

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