Catwoman 10 (Loki x Selina Wilson)

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Catwoman stroll across the rooftops on her way back towards Xavier's school when her ears twitch and pick up the sound of a fight, she turns her head and tilts it towards the sound before she gracefully swings down to the alley.

"Hey!" she purrs out and the attackers turns to her.

"Go home, Kitten, this isn't anything to do with you....not tonight" she glances to the guy they had been wailing on and finds him watching her back, bright green eyes in the dark shining back, she sighs and looks back at the attackers.

"Sorry, darlings" she starts forward. "I just can't resist a damsel in distress" she runs and then slides between the first guys legs her claws erupting from her gloves, she turns a hand and slashes at the attackers calf, he cries out and goes down to his knee, she stands and twirls slashing at the other two till they all stagger and limp away with their metaphorical tails between their legs, Catwoman turns back to the poor guy knocked down and she crouches. "Hey" he opens his eyes to look at her. "You okay?"

"You..." she smiles a little and retracts her claws, he eyes her hands carefully as she holds out her hand to him.

"Need help getting home?" he takes her hand and she helps him up.

"I do not know where I am"

"New York" she tells him, he sighs and leans against the wall rubbing his nose.

"Of course this is where I would be sent" he mumbles as he looks down before looking up again and into her yellow eyes, there is something feral about her, she tilts her head to the side and smiles at him.

" you have somewhere to go?"

"I have no where" she moves closer to him.

"Would you like to come home with me?" she looks over his injuries. "I can see to your wounds"

"Why? Why would you do that for a stranger?"

"I'm told it's what the good guys do" she looks to the bag on her hip. "And I've been a very bad girl" she purrs and smirks. "I should probably...balance it out"

"Very well then" she smiles wider, he hadn't thought it possible, and the sound coming from her chest, almost a vibration....she's purring, he thinks, she's actually purring.

"Come on" she snatches his hand into hers and starts pulling him along. "Hell's kitchen isn't safe this time of night"

"I am sure you can manage" she chuckles a little and glances back at him.

"You have no idea" she states before looking forward again.


Selina pushes open the apartment window and climbs in before helping her strange new friend in.

"Why are we entering through a window?" he asks as he looks around, Catwoman closes the window behind them.

"Super secret identity must stay super secret" she states moving through the apartment pulling up items of clothing that had been strewn all over the place.

"Why do you have super secret identity?" he asks following after her.

"So I can steal nice things and not get blamed for it" he smirks at her before looking down. A pure black cat is weaving between his legs. "Midnight, leave him alone" she comes back and grabs the cat from the floor. "Sorry" she and the cat disappear into the next room. "You can sit....anywhere, I'm just grabbing the first aid kit" he raises an eyebrow though she can't see it before glancing around, the apartment is minimal in furniture, the table has a half open bag on and a few rings have tumbled out of it, he's stumbled upon a thief. He moves to the table and glances into the bag. A thief that likes expensive jewellery. "Sit, sit" she returns and pushes him down into a seat, she's taken her mask off to show her full face and the all in one black suit has been zipped down, a nearly obscene amount, she's beautiful, he notes, and not in a Midgardian way but in an almost Vanir way. "You need to take this off" she's waving over his tattered armour. "I'll see if I have anything for you to wear, doubt it" she bites her lip. "Wade might" she mumbles and moves across the room peeling the suit over her shoulders, he should look away, he really should but it's just too tempting to watch as she pulls the leather down her body till it pools at her feet and she steps out of it and her boots before walking to the bed in the corner where she pulls a cardigan off and wraps it around her shoulders, he is still watching her, well his eyes are running up and down the length of her legs as she walks to the door of her apartment. "I'll be right back..." she turns back to him. "You can use the shower if you want...." she points to the side room. "Ask Midnight if you get lost" she teases as the cat jumps up onto the table beside him swatting at a ring on the table.

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