Catwoman 7 (Thor x Maggie Howlett)

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Maggie Howlett stretches and arches on the bed she is laying on, her white hair sprawled behind her head, she rolls onto her side and covers her eyes with her arm to block out the invading sunlight from annoying her, everyone in the mansion knew she wasn't a morning person, well they had learnt after she snarled and clawed at Beast her first morning there, Logan just laughed when he was told. She sniffs the air and rolls her eyes.

"Mags" she groans as his gruff voice reaches her.

"Go away, Jimmy" she grumbles and stretches again, wrinkling her nose at the smell of his cigar and after shave.

"Professor sent me, we are needed in the study"

"It's light out" he chuckles and kicks her feet. "Go away" his hand then wraps around her ankle and her eyes snap open. "Don't you dare" she hisses and he pulls her off the bed and onto the floor. She turns and bares her teeth at him as he leans down to throw her over his shoulder. "Jimmy!!!!" he carries her along the hall, most of the students stepping out the way of the two oldest residents. He enters the study and ignores it's occupiers to throw Maggie down on the desk in front of the professor who sighs and rubs his nose, like this isn't an abnormal's not.

"Professor" Logan states and finally looks around the room. "Morning" he grumbles and drops into a seat as Maggie sits up glaring at her brother. Logan smirks. "It's cute when you try to be scary" she slips off the desk and storms past the guests to sit at the window seat, her back to everyone.


Thor's eyes find the white haired woman the second the male throws her onto the table, before then he had been staring at out the window at the storm clouds gathering. She is beautiful, more beautiful then any maiden on Asgard, and far curvier, and the way she moves, his eyes moved down her to her hips as she strolls across the room to sit at the window.

"What's this about?" the male gruffs pulling a cigar into his mouth, the professor turns to Thor and the Avengers before looking to the male again.

"Victor Creed" and just like that the two new arrivals stiffen. The white haired woman standing and moving back to them, the male pulling her down to sit on his lap, her legs situated over the arm over the chair, sibling comfort, Thor notes, the way she curls up on his chest, she seeking comfort. The Professor glances to Thor as if hearing his thoughts before looking back. "The Avengers need help tracking him and who better than you two"

"Why these two?" Natasha perks up from Thor's elbow, the red head assassin looks over the woman as if assessing her skill set from the out side, though looks can be deceiving, no one would think Banner could be dangerous but they all knew that wasn't so. The white haired woman stands again, facing the Avengers, her arms folded over her chest, Thor's eyes once again rake over her form, she's breath taking.

"Victor is our brother"

"Half-brother" the other corrects. "Unlike me and Mags he is more animal than man"

"I dunno, Maggie can be pretty wild" the male rolls his eyes as another enters the room, a strange type of glasses across his eyes.


"Logan" they tensely greet one another. "The jet is ready, Professor" Logan and Maggie look panicked.

"Flying?" Maggie squeaks out shaking her head. "Nope, no way, not going to happen" Logan nods agreeing, neither one clearly fond of flying.

"Margaret" she snaps her head to the Professor. "Sorry, Maggie, they need your help"

"Why? What has Victor done now?" Logan asks, Thor clears his throat.

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