Catwoman 4 (Peter Parker x Cat Stark)

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Caitlyn had been born in 2002 to Joanna Nivena in a small hospital in Salem, New England. Her father had not been there. It was never hidden from her, she knew who her father is, she knew he was Tony Stark. And he knew that she had been born or his assistant at least knew. Joanna had received a card and a cheque....which she tore up. She didn't want his money. Within the week Joanna had Kaitlyn on the road, Joanna was an Acro Dancer in the Circus.....well she had been before she'd gotten pregnant and since her father was the Ring Master, Joanna and Kaitlyn were welcomed back with open arms, Joanna returning to Acro dancing and Kaitlyn raised within the big top. It didn't take long for Kaitlyn to catch the performing bug and she took to it like a natural. By the time she was eleven she'd gained the title Catgirl. A gimmick her Grandfather had given her seen as her mother was Catwoman. They became a mother and daughter act that pulled in people from across the world to watch,. Combining gymnastics and dance to create spectaculars in catsuits. Two years later Franklin Nivena, Joanna's father, Kaitlyn's grandfather died and Joanna took over as Ring Master. It would be another two years before Joanna died. Nothing fancy. A heart attack. Mid-show. The first time Kaitlyn met her father was at her mother's funeral.

"Kaitlyn?" he'd approached her from behind when she was the last one to leave, he'd waited till it was over. Cat had glanced to him over her shoulder, her face hidden in her hood. "I'm..."

"I know who you are" she interrupted turning back to her mother's grave. "What do you want?"

"With your mother's death......and the fact you are still a minor...." Cat sighed, her shoulders slumping. "You are to come and live with me...." she'd turned to him.

"You don't want why don't you just hand me over to child services for the next nine months....and I'll stay out of your way....I don't want your money....I don't even want your can forget about this little mistake and carry on with your life" she turns and walks to where a few members of the Circus wait for her. Their lion tamer and their married Russian gymnasts. Tony had followed her and grabber her arm to stop her.

"You're not a mistake" he told her softly. After everything that had happened in the last few years he'd realised his mistake in ignoring his kid, so yeah, he'd been trying to track her and Joanna down for a while....unfortunately he'd been too late to reconcile with Joanna...but he can damn well try with Kaitlyn. "And I would like to mend things....."

"Too late" Kaitlyn had told him tugging her arm free of his hand. "I just want to go back to my family" she motioned to the three figures ahead of her.

"I am your family" Tony said.

"No, you are some guy that knocked my mother up fifteen years ago....those guys" she motioned to her friends again. "They are my family" Tony sighed and pulled an envelope from his pocket.

"Well this is a court are going to be living with me whether you like it or not....I was just trying to be nice" she stared at the envelope and pursed her lips in annoyance before looking up at Tony who raised an eyebrow back at her. She looked away and hung her head. "Good, that's settled" he slipped the envelope away. "I have a car waiting.....we'll stop by the Circus and grab your things before we head back to New York"..........That was six months ago.


Cat walks through the living room towards the kitchen on her and Tony's floor in the tower, it's one of the only floors the Avengers are not allowed to go without expression permission from Tony and seen as he hates the idea of letting his daughter mingle with the supers, that rarely happens, it also means she's not allowed on the Avenger floors either. She's not even sure they know she exists. Cat grabs her school bag and enters the elevator keying in her passcode before the doors close. FRIDAY knows better than to talk to her when she has her headphones on. Johnny Cash's ain't no grave playing as she rides the elevator. Unaware that an Avenger is stood right behind her. Peter Parker. Leaning in the corner out of the way as he looks over the girl, she cute, in the dark clothing kind of way, like black somehow suits her. She reaches up and pulls her headphones down.

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