Heathens pt 2 (Bruce Banner x Rikki Barnes)

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"Rikki?" Bruce asks looking to Anya who is now shaking. Sam looks between Anya/Rikki and Steve.

"You two know each other"

"No" "Yes" they both answer together. Steve looks to her.

"You know me...."

"You are mistaken...." she tells him back. "I don't know who you are...."

"Erica Barnes...born March 10, 1917...twin sister to James Buchanan Barnes....Bucky" Steve states walking towards her. "Howling Commando nurse....one of two Commandos to loose their lives"

"Then that can't be me then...can it....you're friend died" Steve stands in front of her and smiles a little.

"Yeah, only...Buck's not dead....is he, Rikki?" she looks up at him. "Where is he?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" she tells him.

"Anya Phillips died....three years ago" Tony states looking at his phone. "Car accident....." Steve looks to Tony. "She then boarded a flight to Bangladesh two days later" Steve looks back to Anya/Rikki. "And then a joining flight to Phuket"

"Please don't do this...." she whispers. "Don't make me do this...."

"Do what?" Steve asks. "You're not going to hurt me, Rikki" she looks down before she punches him in the face. Steve steps back surprised and clutches his face. "You punched me!" he states surprised, Anya....Rikki turns to Bruce who stares at her.

"I'm sorry" she tells him. "I'm so sorry" she takes the gun from him and turns back to Steve, she raises the gun to him.


"I told you to stop....to stop looking, to stop digging.......why couldn't you just stop?" she steps to the side as Sam and Tony move closer to Bruce. Steve watches Rikki.

"You....it was you on the phone...on Bucky's burner phone, the only phone number on it....it was your's" She smirks. "You are Aces"

"In the flesh.......been a while though...."

"Steve...stop her" Sam whispers. "She's our link to getting Barnes to come in...."

"Rikki.....don't you miss Bucky?" Steve asks, Rikki looks to Bruce then frowns looking back to Steve.

"Wait...wait....how do you two know one another?"

"Anya...." Bruce states softly.

"Not Anya" Tony corrects. "And he's the Hulk...." Rikki frowns and looks to Bruce.

"The rawr rawr smash smash man...?"

"Yeah...." she nods a little and moves nervously on her feet.

"The Avengers..." she whispers, she reaches up and rubs her head.

"Rikki" Steve calls and she snaps her head to him. "Why don't you come with us? We'll find Bucky.....get you some help"

"I don't need help" she snaps at him. "I was fine....I was fine until you turned up....I was happy and I was safe..." her eyes water. "You ruined everything......." Steve looks to her softly. Her eyes turn hard. Steve takes a step back. "Again. You ruined everything. Again."

"Steve....she's about to do something stupid" Sam tells him, Bruce looks between them and Anya....Rikki. He steps into the line of fire, her eyes widening.

"Bruce..." She whimpers.

"You're not going to shoot me..." he tells her, she lowers the gun. "Cause I know that deep down....you are a good person...." she shakes her head.

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