Catwoman 3 (Logan x Sefiya Lokisdottir)

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When Loki had been sent to Earth to repent he'd been surprised at the almost welcoming atmosphere. The only member of the Avengers that was not pleased to see him was Barton, which was fine, Loki accepts that, he did brainwash the archer. Loki slots his arms behind his head as he lays on his bed in the tower. Stark had decorated the room to match his colour scheme and though it is unnecessary, it is appreciated. The golds, blacks and greens a comfort for him being so far from home. He closes his eyes for a moment before he feels something, the wash of magic over him, he snaps his eyes open and finds a black cat sat on his chest. He reaches up and traces the collar around it's neck, he can't touch it, it's just an illusion.

"Sefiya" he whispers sadly looking into the cat's eyes. "Where are you?" he asks not really expecting an answer, Sefiya, his daughter, had been exiled from Asgard many many many years before, it was the start of Loki's downfall, the loss of his daughter, he knows why Odin sent her away, he was afraid of the power she and Loki have, that he was worried about the two of them being together and now he knows that Odin hated the thought of a Frost Giant/Asgardian hybrid walking around. Odin had been afraid of Loki's daughter and the damage she could do. Loki mentally scoffs. Sefiya was a quiet child, a studious teen and a kind and caring young woman. Loki stares at the cat. And now she is reaching out to him. The cat hisses at him before vanishing. Or haunting him. He sighs and swings his legs from the bed as he sits up, runs his fingers through his hair and touches the small locket around his neck.


"Thor.....I must speak with you" Loki begs moving to his brother. Thor frowns at Loki who is barley containing his glee. Tony once called it his 'I want to kill your puppy' look.

"What is it?" Thor asks, Loki looks around the room, Barnes, Rogers, Stark and someone he has not met yet. Logan. He, Steve and Bucky being friends from the war, recently reunited, when they went to see the Professor about Bucky's memory block.

"Not here" Loki hisses looking back to Thor. Thor looks to the quad group and then back to Loki.

"Whatever it is, you can tell us all" Loki grits his teeth.

"Sefiya" he growls, Thor stands and grabs Loki's arm.

"Excuse us" Thor tells the others as they walk away. Steve looks to Bucky who shrugs.

"So that's the infamous Loki" Logan mumbles, Tony smirks.

"Yeah, out of the armour and into Earth clothes, he really doesn't look like much" Tony teases. Steve looks back to where Loki and Thor walked away.

"I wonder what's going on....."

"Who knows with those two" Bucky mumbles. Logan looks to his watch.

"I should be getting back to the school"

"Actually..." Thor states walking back into the room. "Steve mentioned you can track people?" Logan nods.

"Yeah...." Logan answers raising an eyebrow.

"We require your aid" Thor states motioning to Loki who skulks behind his 'brother'.

"Who?" Steve asks.

"Her name is Sefiya" Thor answers. "And she was exiled, the Allfather"

"Falsely?" Bucky asks. "What did she not do?" Thor looks to Loki.

"Murder" Loki answers. "Odin framed her for the murder of several Lords of Asgard"

"Why?" Tony asks with a frown. Loki purses his lips.

"Because of her bloodline....she was born half Jotun half abomination in the eyes of the Allfather" he answers. "And he wanted her gone"

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