Eiskonigin pt 1 (Loki x Skadi)

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Loki had been in love, once, the term once upon a time very fitting, once upon a time, a long, long, time  ago, and of course she had been beautiful and smart and she would smirk and he would instantly know she was up to no good, and Loki had fallen....hard. The younger sister of Lady Sif, Skadi, had been introduced to the two princes when Sif had started training with Thor and his warriors three and whilst they would train Skadi would sit and read, and Loki, would sit across the training arena and watch her, he knew it was creepy and weird but he didn't have his brother's confidence with women, he was the younger brother that was always second best, so he was content to just watch her, till she wasn't, she wasn't content with him watching her, she had always been bold, so she had waited till he walked the halls towards the library before pulling him into the shadows with her, she peered up at him with this smirk and he swore he fell for her more, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to kiss him. Loki smirked and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer. After that they were inseparable for years they stick to one another like Midgardian glue, they read together, they eat together, they fight back to back with one another, Skadi showing she is perfectly capable of looking after herself, she wields winter like it flows through her veins, snow and ice to match her blonde hair and fair skin and everything was perfect....until it wasn't....she was gone, just gone, he woke up one morning hoping to curl himself around his lady love but the bed is cold beside him instead, and he searches for days, weeks, months, years....nothing, he has no choice but to give up, he lost the most important thing in his life and he wasn't going to get it...get her back.....Loki blinks up at the ceiling of his room in the Avenger Tower, after everything he had done they still allowed him to return to Midgard to....Repent, Odin has obviously gotten sick of him dirtying the dungeons so pawned him off on the Earth Heroes to look after him, most are cautious around him, Barton and Stark more than the others, they would both glare at him if he got to close or would just leave the room if he entered. Sighing Loki sat up and opened the locket around his neck, Thor had recently returned it after Loki had lost it when he tried to take over Earth, apparently Stark had found it in the rubble of his living room where the Hulk had....for better term, pounded the god into the floor, Loki brushes his finger over the picture of Skadi and then tucks the locket away again, even now, after everything the other had done to him they could not take her from his mind. He groans as someone knocks on his door.

"Brother, emergency meeting, get up" Loki rolls his eyes and stands to dress.


She has forgotten how long she has been chained, how long she has been locked away, she doesn't even know where she is, she just waits and glares at the glass in front of her, the chains wrapped around her are inscribed, she can't escape, she can't use her magic to leave and they know it, they taunt her with it and she knows they are watching her, always watching her from behind the glass. Once a week they send people in, they would draw blood and feed her before leaving again. Then it starts to become once a day....something was changing.


Loki lurks at the back of the room whilst the other heroes enter and take seats around a large table in the centre of the room, a large tv screen on the wall to the left, the room itself is ridiculously boring and void of any detail. Steve Rogers, America's rightious man stands at the table waiting for everyone else to settle, Tony Stark is late, nothing new there, Loki crosses his arms over his chest as they wait, eventually the Captain gives up waiting and begins looking to the man at his side, he is new, Loki raises an eyebrow looking him over, the little light in the room glinting off his metal arm. Another wayward stray it seems.

"I'd like to introduce to you all James Buchanan Barnes.....The Winter Soldier"

"Bucky is fine" the brunette corrects looking to Steve who shrugs.

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