Green Robin Alternate Ending (Angst)

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Clint leans in the doorway watching Robyn set up her bow, arrows, and targets, her stance rigid, she knew he is there watching her, she takes a deep breath and then pulls her bow back only to cringe and clutch her ribs. She throws her bow down and hangs her head.

"Why are you watching me?" she asks without turning around, she pulls her bow back up again.

"I can't watch my friend train?"

"I thought we were friends, then you spent two weeks avoiding me soo....." he cringes at her harsh tone, though she has every right. "Figured you got your Avenger you had no need to like me anymore"


"No, it's okay, I get guys do what you want to get what you want and screw the rest of humanity" she pulls her bow back ignoring the pain and fires, almost dead centre, she grits her teeth and loads another arrow.

"That's not it!" he snaps back, stepping closer.

"No? Then please enlighten me as to why you have been ignoring me, did I do something? Say something? She turns to him, her bow arm slack. "Cause It's been driving me mad, I don't know what I have done wrong"

"Nothing! You've done nothing wrong" he softens and looks to her.

"They why?" she places her bow down and moves to stand with him. "I can't fix this if I don't know why"

"Maybe I don't want to fix this" he knows instantly it is most definitely the wrong thing to say when her face falls, theirs pain behind her eyes and he can tell she's trying not to cry. She nods and steps away from him. "Robyn" he reaches for her but she just leaves the room, Natasha is going to kill him.


Oh and she does, Natasha hits him repeatedly with a newspaper come breakfast, JARVIS having forwarded everyone but Clint and Robyn the video from the training room. He even got an angry text from Remy and Wade, which was new. Apparently, they were all shipping it. Even JARVIS. So they are surprised when a duffle drops to the floor. All eyes turn to Robyn who crosses her arms over her chest.

"Bruce gave me the all-clear, so....I'm going back to my apartment"

"What?" Steve asks confused.

"I talked to Fury, he understands, I'm....not an Avenger"

"What are you talking about?" Natasha stands moving closer to Robyn. "You are an Avenger. We've seen you in action, we need you"

"No, you don't, you're all fine on your own, you managed fine before me, you'll manage fine without me" Robyn kisses Natasha's cheek, the redhead sighing and stepping back to shoot a glare at Clint. All his fault. Robyn waves to Bruce, who gives her a small one back. "I'll see you around" she grabs her bag and heads to the elevator where Tony runs and hugs her.

"Fireball" he mumbles in her ear and she smiles, she pats his back and he lets go. "If you need anything, just call, JARVIS will set you up"

"Thanks" she nods and casts a look at Clint who doesn't look up. "I'll.....bye" She steps into the elevator and the doors close, all the Avengers look to Clint, before Natasha starts hitting him again.


Robyn blocks the punch coming at her then spins to punch back, grunting she falls back as they kick her back to the matt.

"I thought you came to the gym to kick some ass" she snorts and holds her hand up to Matt Murdoch who pulls her to her feet. "I'm blind, kicked your ass" she chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Again" she changes her stance and Matt starts again. She spins throwing out a punch, Matt grabs her arm and pulls her back to his chest. His arm wrapping around her throat, she throws her foot back and he doubles over.

"That's dirty" he croaks out, Robyn crouches and pushes him back till he lays flat, she straddles his waist and smiles down at him, his hands reach for her face and she lets him trace his fingers over her features. "It's better when you smile"

"Matt" he traces a finger over her lips and she closes her eyes.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?"

"You keep telling me" she states with a smile.

"I can't tell my girlfriend how beautiful she is, now?" she leans forward and presses her lips to his. He threads his fingers into her hair and smiles against her lips before he turns them over. Two years since she left the Avengers tower she's finally happy again, it took her a while but she managed to get over Clint, she found Matt, the blind lawyer who turned out to be a vigilante just like her, Daredevil and Green Robin soon teamed up to fight crime together as Matt and Robyn got serious, she moved out of her dingy run down apartment and moved in with Matt, she adapted to his way of living as he did hers, he knew about her mutation and goes with her when she visits the school at least once a week, the students loved him, her father surprised but accepted Matt like he was already his son, Logan, Remy and Wade are cautious knowing how much she cared for her fellow archer but it didn't work, he let her leave the tower.


Clint worked harder, trained harder, became a better assassin, till he got one target, Matt Murdoch, easy enough, a lawyer poking his nose in where he shouldn't, SHIELD business, as usual. He doesn't question it. He follows Matt home, easier that way, kill them in their own home. It's dark, better yet, he stalks his prey, waiting for the right moment, Matt enters his home and Clint uses a free window to climb in and wait.


"I'm in the kitchen" a voice shout back. "I'm making your favourite"

"Mmm you covered in chocolate?"

"No, silly, pasta carbonara"

"Smells great" Clint stalks forward, pulling his gun free, as much as he loved his bow this called for something smaller. "As do you, as always love"

"Matt" she chuckles and pushes him away. "I'm cooking" Clint's heart drops as he sees her in the reflection of the mirror across from him.

"You know I love you, don't you, Robyn?"

"Of course I do, Matt, I love you too" she pauses then looks up. "What's this about?"

"I was followed home, I think it's SHIELD"

"Why would SHIELD follow you home?" Clint's fingers tighten on the gun as he takes a deep breath, he still has a job to do, regardless if she is here. "Matt?"

"I have this case"

"Matt" she sighs. "It's okay, we'll deal with this"

"Ryn, this isn't something we deal with, if SHIELD come....I want you to run"

"No" she snaps back. "I'm with you Matt, no matter what" Clint takes this as he moment he is around the corner and raises his gun to shoot, Matt is down first and he turns his gun on Robyn, she stares at him, her eyes already filling with tears as she closes them and hangs her head. Clint lowers his gun and moves to her, pulling her head up.


"Clint" she whispers and opens her eyes and stares at him, the bright blue dim, he's broken her heart again, he presses his forehead to hers. "I loved you"

"I know" he raises his gun. "I'm sorry" he pulls her closer. "I loved you too" she nods and he shoots. She collapses into his chest and he lets a tear slide as he kisses her head lowering her to the floor. "I'm so sorry" he lays her down brushing the hair from her face. "I still love you" he stands and quickly leaves before anyone finds them, he reaches to rooftop and collapses to his knees clutching his chest. He broke his own heart, again.

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