Catwoman 5 (Bruce Banner x Patience Richards-Banner)

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When Bruce woke, he was in a good mood, today felt like a good day, it did not take long for that mood to disappear, today was going to be a bad day, why? Well when you are eating your breakfast and someone mentions that one General Ross would be in your home it sours ones mood considerably, Bruce would have once upon a time ran at the thought of being near that man....but he has a home now, friends, a team, he knows they will protect him from the man but he can't shake the feeling that the day wasn't going to get any better, so he goes about his routine like normal trying to ignore that pit in his stomach, his usual routine that included sitting in the lab till someone had to all but drag him out, he sits at his computer and ignores the photo on his desk....the photo of him and her. Patience. Once he called her Sweetheart, a nickname that stuck over the years when they were both young and so madly in love that they felt like they could take on the world......He once called her wife, a title that disintegrated the day he left, after his accident he no longer felt he trusted himself around her.....In the end it would have hurt more to hurt her than to as she slept he snuck into their home, packed a bag and fled, now, now he thinks he should have left a note...should have woken her up and told her all things he has wanted to over the apologise. Ten years is a long time to ignore your wife. Ten years is too long to go without an apology. Ten years is too long to try and fix it. And he knows that. Whatever they once long gone.

"You listening to me?" Bruce snaps his head up, he had been staring at Patience's photo, again. Tony stands in the doorway, a slight sliver of concern on his face.

"Sorry, what?"

"Ross is here" Bruce nods and shuts down his computer before standing. "We got your back, Big Guy"

"I know" Bruce nods. "Just been a while since I had a code green...but I think this might..."

"Well Thor is going to be there so....we got you covered...."

"The sedatives?"

"The two Supers and Birdbrain have got them"

"Give one to the Maximoff boy" Bruce states following Tony out the lab. "He'll be fast enough to dose me before I change" Tony nods.

"Sure" They approach the meeting room and Steve Rogers nods to the both as he arrives from the other direction. "Give Speedy one of your darts, Cap" Steve raises an eyebrow but does as asked moving to Pietro as he enters the room, Pietro frowns but takes it, his sister Wanda leaning over to explain. Bruce stays near the door when he sees General Ross, stood at the end of the table with Phil Coulson and Nick Fury. Nick glances to Bruce and nods, trying to be reassuring but Bruce can feel the other guy stirring at the back of his mind already. He sighs and sits between Steve and Bucky Barnes, both equip to bring him down if he looks to be on the turn. Bucky pats his shoulder with his human hand and Bruce nods to him.

"Is that everyone?" Ross asks looking to Fury, avoiding looking at Bruce, for which his is thankful for. Nick moves his eye around the room, counting heads before nodding, Barton and Romanoff slipping in last minute. Thor standing in the corner with his brother, Loki, not shackled but his wrists are wearing two magic cancelling bracelets, only allowed off in battle. "This morning a mass Hydra wanted list went out..." he presses a button on a remote and a list of names appears on the screen on the wall. "These names are those Hydra wants....each one an expert in their field"

"Scientists?" Tony asks trying to read the names.

"The best of the best" Ross states and highlights five names. "These five we are most interested in...protecting" Nick Fury clears his throat.

"You are to track down each one and bring them into protective custody, first up, Dr Reed Richards" Ross presses a button on the remote as Bruce fiddles with his hands under the table, it would be best if he stayed away from Reed.

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