Eiskonigin pt 2 (Loki x Skadi)

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The boy, Jack, Hydra had named him, mostly after Jack Frost given who his mother is, he couldn't remember the last time they had defrosted him, but they never wiped his memory, they wanted him to remember what they were doing to his mother, they wanted him to remember what they could do if he fights back, he knows he is not as powerful as his mother and he knows not who his father is, though he knows he gets his looks from the man, his mother has hair as white as snow and eyes as blue as the ocean, Jack on the other hand has hair as black as night and eyes that border line more green than blue, depending on his mood they seemed to alter in colour, being more blue the sadder he is, more often and not that is the colour they are. Jack is lead down the hall and placed into a chair where he is strapped in, Strucker, Strucker he knows, the scientist smiles at the boy but there is nothing warm about it.

"Hello, Jack" Jack had always hated the name, it wasn't what was given to him by his mother, she hadn't been given a chance to name him before he was taken from her. He hates the name, hates it, hates it. Strucker strikes him across the face as the chair begins to freeze. "None of that now" Jack looks down and flexes his jaw. "You do want to see your mother don't you?" Jack looks up then and Strucker smirks. "Good" he steps back. "Prep him....get him to the jet" Strucker leaves and goes to the room next door where Winter sits unmoving and just staring at the wall ahead of her, Strucker smirks and strokes her cheek. "Is she ready?" Ajax nods and crosses his arms over his chest.

"What now?"

"Get her on the jet" Ajax pulls Winter out of her chair with no fight back from her, this is perfect, Strucker thinks to himself, finally they have her doing as she is told, all the scientists that came before him that had failed, all those years of failed experiments and it had been him to succeed, the credit he is about to get for creating Hydra's most dangerous weapon.


Loki and Bucky are first off the jet once they reach the old military base that Loki had been using, he still remembers his way around it as they storm the front gates, as soon as they are through the alarms start, Loki and Bucky share a look before they both smirk.


Jack walks with his head down between his guards, they both look around muttering in Russian, Jack knows a little and tries to make out what they are talking about when the alarms start to ring out. Jack looks around confused, he catches a glimpse of fighting near the main gates, this could be his chance to escape...but without his mother, he looks around trying to find her, he knows they are moving both of them, his guards try to push him along towards the jet. Jack catches the sight of a very familiar redhead.


Wanda pulls a guard up into the air and throws him towards the Captain who slams him down with his shield.

"Wanda!!!" Wanda looks up and across at the voice.

"Jack!!" she shouts back already backing her way towards him taking down guards as she goes, she keeps here eyes on the boy who is being dragged towards a jet.

"Wanda!!" he throws his head back into a guard who curses and lets the boy go, he then proceeds to for lack of better words kick the shit out of him.

"Come on!!" Wanda shouts grabbing Jack's hand. "Come on" she pulls him along as she makes her way back to the other Avengers.

"My mother" he tries pulling her back.

"We'll find her" Wanda turns to him and looks him in the eyes. "I promise we will find her but we need to get you somewhere safe" Jack looks back towards the base and then back to Wanda before nodding.

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