Catwoman 2 (Steve Rogers x Selina Barnes/Irina Dubrovna)

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Irina taps her heel against the chair as she watches the news, her other hand stroking that of her faithful cat, no matter what had happened he had found her, he's currently curled up on her lap his tail wrapped around her wrist as she watches the Battle of New York unfold on the news. It's mayhem, she suppose she should help, but that involves getting up plus it looked like these superheroes had it all down, she looks up at one of those whale things flies past her window, she raises an eyebrow as the cat's head lifts to glare at the beast for disturbing his sleep.

"I know how you feel, James" the cat huffs and curls back up again. "I suppose we should get going before the home owner returns, what say we move uptown out of the line of fire" James stands and stretched before jumping to the floor and sitting on Irina's duffel bag. She smirks and stands pulling down her mask from the top of her head and stashing her steal, a beautifully stunning chocolate diamond ring, grabbing the bag and then James she sneaks out the window and up to the roof top where she has to pull out her gun to shoot some stupid alien, her whip in her other hand she snaps it out to wrap around another alien's gun, pulling it from him before shooting, James just sits at her feet, bored. Clear she pulls her duffel onto her back before taking off at a run, James running behind her.


That was four years ago, she had done well to stay out of trouble, well, mostly out of trouble, she steals the odd thing, when she can't help herself, you know what I mean, when you see something so beautiful you can't help but get sticky fingers around it. She hears about the downfall of SHIELD, they had been on her tail for a while, figures they might stop now they had fallen, of course she should have known better, now that SHIELD had fallen HYDRA had come out of the woodwork and wanted their assets back. Apparently she hadn't been the only one to go rogue, their Winter Soldier also had, she had met him a few times, trained with him a bit, they were never allowed to be alone together, she never understood it but it wasn't her place to question at the time, now she did, now she had been getting her memories back, that's why she had left HYDRA in the first place, stupid HYDRA and their stupid brainwashing. She looks up at the stars from where she lays on the top of an apartment complex, she would come here when her nightmares would get especially bad or whenever she couldn't sleep or both. Her leg hangs over the edge and swings as she closes her eyes to watches the flashes of her past life. The two small boys she used to follow around, one her brother, her twin, he used to be fierce about her, would do anything to protect her, and the others, his blonde blue eyed friend, they'd spend every free moment together, the three of them. Though she can't remember their names or her real one she knows what they meant to her, she reaches up and brushes the tears from her face. She shakes her head before standing and snapping her whip out, she looks at her target and smirks, throwing out the whip which wraps around a pipe opposite before she jumps, swinging across the street and into the open window, her whip unravels and she rolls to a stop before stealthly moving through the apartment to the safe in the study, she had watched the apartment for three days for this, her fingers find the safe and she smirks taking the dial and feeling the way it unlocks under her fingers. She would think someone that is as careful as this guy would have a better safe. She pulls it open and grabs the memory stick, slipping it into a pocket on her belt then grabs the paper files and closing the safe, she cocks her head and pulls her gun and turning. There he stood, former director of SHIELD Nick Fury, in his jammies, well black lounge pants for jammies.

"Put them back and I won't shoot you" she cocks her head looking to the file in her hand, she loves a challenge. Purring she smirks and bolts for the window, followed by gun shoots, she swapped her gun for her whip and jumped out the window snapping it out to wrap around the building ahead of her before she lowers to the ground, before taking off at a run, Nick Fury firing into the street as she goes.

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