Catwoman 8 (Clint Barton x Peggy Stark)

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Many don't know that Tony Stark has a sister, hell even Shield doesn't know that Tony Stark has a sister, but he does Margaret 'Peggy' Maria Stark was born December 17, 1980 and named after Peggy Carter, she was a daddy's girl through and through and though Howard and Tony had a rocky relationship, they made sure she was shielded from it, Howard doted on her until his death when she was eleven, he died on her birthday which makes it an extra sensitive day every year, she refuses to celebrate it any more, too many drunk Tony moments that it makes it worse. She drops by now and then to see him though she prefers to roam alone and away from the Stark spotlight.


Tony sits at his computer looking at a photo of himself and Peggy a glass of whiskey in hand, this day is a quiet day and most of the Avengers leave him alone, Pepper having warned them that it was the best idea. He tilts his glass to the screen.

"Happy Birthday, Pegs"

"Thanks" he jumps and drops his glass when he receives an answer.

"Jesus Christ Peggy" She chuckles and slinks down from the open window.

"Sorry" she states sheepishly, Tony glances to his sister who sticks to the shadows, that's nothing new, he is used to her being distance and it's probably his fault. Tony reaches into one of the draws and pulls out a small wrapped box. He taps the top as he waves for dummy to clean up the mess he made.

"Here" he clears his throat. "Seen as you turned up this year" he shuts down the computer as she stalks to the box and snatches it from the table. " you been?" he listens to her opening the box before she talks again.

"Fine.." she chuckles. "Thanks" Tony smiles a little listening to her laugh. He'd gotten her a scarf with black cats all over it, she'd always had a thing for cats. "This is great"

"I miss you" he whispers, she looks down to her lap and sighs.

"Yeah....I miss you too, Tony" she stands pulling the scarf around her neck. A flashing red light appears on her belt and she sighs. "I have to go" she turns the light off and heads back towards the window.

"Seriously?" Tony scoffs. "I don't see you in three years and you stay less then fifteen minutes" she pauses and glances back.

"What do you want me to do? Sit and watch you drink yourself into a stupor before I have to carry you to your bed and call Pepper, I only thought to check on you after those Midtown spider things, you have a whole team, go cry to one of them"

"Are you really that heartless?" she smirks a little.

"I learnt from the best" she slinks back out through the window and Tony sinks into his seat and pours himself another drink.


Reaching her bike Peggy throws her legs over it as Pepper and Happy leave their car, Pepper smiles at the younger Stark, she and Happy being the only others that know about her. Happy gives her a wave and Peggy gives him one back.

"I see you got your scarf" Pepper approaches the girl hesitantly, knowing her birthday is a sore subject.

"Yeah" Peggy fiddles with the end. "Am guessing you had something to do with thanks"

"Actually it was all Tony" Happy looks over her bike and smiles.

"Nice bike, Miss Peggy"

"Thanks, Happy" Pepper pulls something out of her bag and hands it to Peggy.

"Here" Peggy looks at the card before taking it. "There this party tomorrow night, and well...I am sure Tony would like it, if you came" she looks over the invitation.

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